Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bird Protection Quebec's Monthly Meeting

Monday November 1
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Knox Crescent Kensington and First Presbyterian Church, 6225 Godfrey Avenue, NDG

The Great Diversity of Birds in the Neotropics with Jean-Philippe Gagnon

You may have heard about tanagers, parrots and hummingbirds but what about manakins, antbirds or cotingas? Tropical birds amaze with their colourful plumage, extravagant behaviour and fascinating ecology. Many of you have discovered them through your travels, by looking through field guides or just dreaming about being in their presence.

The presentation will focus on tropical birds’ distribution, ecology and behaviour, using many species as examples of the great diversity encountered in the neotropics. Geographically, we will concentrate on the birds of South and Central America, Peru, Costa Rica and Bolivia in particular. Come and join us to learn more from someone who has been there and done that!

Jean-Philippe Gagnon is the Tropical Bird keeper at the Biodôme de Montréal, where he has been working for 14 years. He holds a BA in Biology and is currently working on his MA in Behavioural Ecology with his thesis on “Cooperative breeding in the Green Aracari.” He has given many presentations to bird clubs and guided birdwatching tours to Peru for Explorateur Voyage. You may even have seen him on the Radio-Canada TV show 1-888-oiseaux. Don’t miss it!

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