Saturday, July 21, 2012

Summer Series 2012 - Trip Report #4

11 birders participated in today's outing to Ste-Anne-de-Sorel. We visited the Maison du Marais – Ecological Marsh trails, operated by La Société d'aménagement de la baie Lavallière inc. We spent close to three hours covering the main trail that leads through a variety of habitats including marshland, forested sections and grassy areas.

The park has a very friendly welcome centre from which they operated guided boat tours of up to 12 people per boat. They navigate through a network of channels that wander between the dozens of islands in the Sorel island chain. The marsh waterways and streams in the region are a popular spot for canoe and kayak outings. There are some very active feeders installed in the parking area, as well as a number of picnic tables.

We were able to find 35 species of birds for the morning. Highlights included an immature Bald Eagle, plus young families of Eastern Wood Pewees, Great-crested Flycatchers and Cedar Waxwings. Here is today's complete species list - Sheldon

Wood Duck - 1, American Bittern - 1, Great Blue Heron - 6, Black-crowned Night Heron - 2, Bald Eagle - 1, Virginia Rail - 1, Killdeer - 1, Spotted Sandpiper - 1, Ring-billed Gull - 3, Black Tern - 10, Mourning Dove - 6, Belted Kingfisher - 1, Downy Woodpecker - 1, Northern Flicker - 2, Eastern Wood-Pewee - 3, Great-crested Flycatcher - 5, Eastern Kingbird - 24, Warbling Vireo - 6, Philadelphia Vireo - 1, Blue Jay - 1, Black-capped Chickadee - 6, Marsh Wren - 20, American Robin - 15, Gray Catbird - 6, European Starling - 30, Cedar Waxwing - 6, Yellow Warbler - 17, American Redstart - 3, Common Yellowthroat - 6, Song Sparrow - 25, Northern Cardinal - 1, Red-winged Blackbird - 75, Common Grackle - 40, Baltimore Oriole - 1, American Goldfinch - 12

Canard branchu - 1, Butor d'Amérique - 1, Grand héron - 6, Bihoreau gris - 2, Pygargue à tête blanche - 1, Râle de Virginie - 1, Pluvier kildir - 1, Chevalier grivelé - 1, Goéland à bec cerclé - 3, Guifette noire - 10, Tourterelle triste - 6, Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique - 1, Pic mineur - 1, Pic flamboyant - 2, Pioui de l'Est - 3, Huppé Tyran - 5, Tyran tritri - 24, Viréo mélodieux - 6, Viréo de Philadelphie - 1, Geai bleu - 1, Mésange à tête noire - 6, Troglodyte des marais - 20, Moqueur chat - 6, Étourneau sansonnet - 30, Jaseur d'Amérique - 6, Paruline jaune - 17, Paruline flamboyante - 3, Paruline masquée - 6, Bruant chanteur - 25, Cardinal rouge - 1, Carouge à épaulettes - 75, Quiscale bronzé - 40, Oriole de Baltimore - 1, Chardonneret jaune - 12

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