Monday, November 19, 2012

Sightings for Monday November 19

Sutton: I was working in Sutton today and a group of Black-capped chickadees (Mésanges à tête noire) decided to come and check out what I was doing along with a Tufted titmouse (Mésange bicolore)! Other birds that were around included; Blue jays (Geai bleu), Red breasted nuthatch (Sittelle à poitrine rousse), Downy woodpecker (pic mineur), starlings (étourneaux).

Also in Farnham I saw 4 Pine grosbeaks (Dubecs des sapins) - Shawna
Verdun, l'ile des Soeurs: This afternoon, there was a Yellow-throated Warbler. She was along the trail behind the houses south of the  West-Vancouver park. This is the house where there are two large pines together.

The bird accompanied a band of head Black-capped chickadees and fed often in the Willows still filled with leaves. Offshore on the river, I saw one Red-throated Loon and a Barrow's goldeneye. In the woods, an Eastern screech owl and a Winter wren. There are at least 3 Eastern screech owls in the woods.

Cet aprs-midi, il y avait une Paruline à gorge jaune. Elle tait le long du sentier derrière les maisons au sud du parc West-Vancouver. C'est la maison il y a 2 grosses pinettes ensemble.
L'oiseau accompagnait une bande de Mésanges à tête noire et se nourrissait  souvent dans les saules encore bien garnis de feuilles. Au large sur le fleuve, j'ai repr un Plongeon catmarin et un Garrot d'Islande. Dans le bois, un Petit-duc maculé et un Troglodyte des forêt. Il y a au moins 3 Petits-ducs maculs dans le bois - Pierre Bannon

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