Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sightings for Saturday June 4th

Montréal: Mount Royal Cemetery this afternoon 3 pm to 4:30 pm. 30 species were observed. The highlight was a pair of Cedar Waxwings engaged in a kind of courtship ritual, they caught and tossed a flower petal back and forth while bobbing up and down simultaneously for about three minutes.

Turkey Vulture -3, Ring-billed Gull -3, Chimney Swift -2, Ruby-throated Hummingbird -1, Downy Woodpecker -1, Northern Flicker -2, Least Flycatcher -1, Red-eyed Vireo -4, American Crow -5, Black-capped Chickadee -5, House Wren -3, Eastern Bluebird -1, American Robin -10, Gray Catbird -4, European Starling -5, Cedar Waxwing -2, Tennessee Warbler -2, Northern Parula -1, Chestnut-sided Warbler -1, American Redstart -6, Common Yellowthroat -1, Song Sparrow -8, Chipping Sparrow -10, House Sparrow -2, Northern Cardinal -1, Indigo Bunting -5, American Goldfinch -15+

Urubu à tête rouge -3, Goéland à bec cerclé -3, Martinet ramoneur -2, Colibri à gorge rubis -1, Pic mineur -1, pic flamboyant -2, Moucherolle tchébec -1, Viréo aux yeux rouges -4, Corneille d'Amérique -5, Mésange à tête noire -5, Troglodyte familier -3, Merlebleu de l'Est -1, merle d'Amérique -10, Moqueur chat -4, Étourneau sansonnet -5, Jaseur d'Amérique -2, Paruline obscure -2, Paruline à collier -1, Paruline à flanc marron -1, Paruline flamboyante -6, Paruline masquée -1, Bruant chanteur -8, Bruant familier -10, Moineau domestique -2, Cardinal rouge -1, Passerin indigo -5, Chardonneret jaune -15 +Madeleine Murray, Vivek Govind Kumar

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