Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bird Protection Quebec's -"Summer Series" - Trip #1 Report

This year's Summer Series of Birding kicked off today at Parc-Nature du Bois-de-l'Île-Bizard. Except for two somewhat heavy showers that had us sheltering under some trees, the morning turned out to be very rewarding one for the 7 participants.

The birding was excellent. Other than the two major showers, the rest of the morning was gray and overcast but quite pleasant, temperature wise. We completed the day with a total of 51 species. Highlights included 4 Least Bittern, including a young bird; young Virginia Rails, almost too many to count; and a spectacular display by 3 Pileated Woodpeckers, two of them at water's level in the marsh off the main boardwalk.

Here is the complete list from today: Canada Goose- 24, Wood Duck - 8, Hooded Merganser - 1, Pied-billed Grebe - 10, Least Bittern - 4, Great Blue Heron - 2, Green Heron - 6, Black-crowned Night Heron - 1, Turkey Vulture - 1, Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1, Virginia Rail - 12, Sora- 1, Common Moorhen - 8, Wilson's Snipe - 2, Ring-billed Gull - 8, Black Tern - 3, Mourning Dove - 3, Belted Kingfisher - 2, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2, Hairy Woodpecker - 1, Northern Flicker - 2, Pileated Woodpecker - 3, Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1, Great Crested Flycatcher- 2, Eastern Kingbird - 2, Warbling Vireo - 2, Red-eyed Vireo - 3, Blue Jay - 3, American Crow - 6, Purple Martin - 2, Tree Swallow - 50, Black-capped Chickadee - 8, Brown Creeper - 1, House Wren - 1, Marsh Wren - 12, Veery - 1, American Robin - 8, Gray Catbird - 3, European Starling - 18, Cedar Waxwing - 10, Yellow Warbler - 12, American Redstart - 4, Song Sparrow - 6, Swamp Sparrow - 10, Northern Cardinal - 3, Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1, Red-winged Blackbird - 100+, Common Grackle - 25, American Goldfinch - 6, House Sparrow - 1

Bernache du Canada -24, Canard branchu - 8, Canard colvert - 10, Harle couronné - 1, Grèbe à bec bigarré - 10, Petit Blongios - 4, Grand Héron - 2, Héron vert - 6, Bihoreau gise - 1, Urubu à tête rouge - 1, Épervier brun - 1, Râle de Virginie - 12, Marouette de Caroline -1, Gallinule poule-d'eau - 8, Bécassine de Wilson - 2, Goéland à bec cerclé - 8, Guifette noire - 3, Tourterelle triste - 3, Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique - 2, Pic maculé - 2, Pic chevelu - 1, Pic flamboyant - 2, Grand Pic - 3, Pioui de l'Est - 1, Tyran huppé-2, Tyran tritri - 2, Viréo mélodieux - 2, Viréo aux yeux rouges - 3, Geai bleu - 3, Corneille d'Amérique - 6, Hirondelle noire - 2, Hirondelle bicolore - 50, Mésange à tête noire - 8, Grimpereau brun - 1, Troglodyte familier - 1, Troglodyte des marais - 12, Grive fauve - 1, Merle d'Amérique - 8, Moqueur chat - 3, Étourneau sansonnet - 18, Jaseur d'Amérique - 10, Paruline jaune - 12, Paruline flamboyante - 4, Bruant Chanteur - 6, Bruant des marais - 10, Cardinal rouge - 3, Cardinal à poitrine rose - 1, Carouge à épaulettes - 100 +, Quiscale bronzé - 25, Chardonneret jaune - 6, Moineau domestique - 1

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