Monday, April 27, 2009

Sightings for Monday April 27th

Montréal Botanical Gardens: White-throated sparrows, Ruby-crowned kinglets, Palm warbler, Yellow-rumped warbler, Black & white warbler, Brown thrasher, Blue-headed vireo, Hermit thrush, Winter wren, Eastern phoebe, Swamp sparrow
Jardin Botanique: Bruants à gorge blanche et des Roitelets à couronne rubis partout. une Paruline à tête cendrée et plusieurs Parulines à croupion jaune, une Paruline noir et blanc, un Moqueur roux et quelques Viréo à tête bleue, Grives solitaire et un Troglodyte mignon. 3 Moucherolles phébi et un Bruant des marais. - Lucette d'Amours

Valleyfield: Mute swan on the rivière St-Charles east of the intersection of Boulevard Langlois & autoroute 30
Cygne tuberculé dans la rivière St-Charles ce soir vers 18h. Il se trouvait à l'est de l'intersection du Boulevard Langlois et de l'autoroute 30 - Eric Bégin

Montréal, Parc-Nature de la Pointe-aux-Prairies: This morning. I was finally rewarded with my first warblers of the year for Quebec: as many as twelve Yellow-rumped warblers (all males) (Parulines à croupion jaune) were singing on three different spots. It really felt like summer. Hermit Thrushes (Grives solitaire) must also have arrived on a big move last night, six were seen on the same spot. Also encountered: a Green Heron (Heron vert) perched high on a bare three, a Broad-winged Hawk (Petite buse) soaring, a Brown Thrasher (Moqueur roux) singing well in view, a female Purple Finch (Roselin pourpré) also singing, Pine Siskins (Tarin des pins) heard and seen on various spots, etc.- Diane Demers

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