Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sightings for Thursday January 10th

Verdun, on the river across from the Douglas hospital: Harlequin duck (Arlequin plongeur), 7 Canada geese (Bernaches du Canada), other ducks – 20 Gadwall, black, Mallards, Common goldeneye, Common mergansers, Hooded merganser (Canards - chipeaux, noirs, colverts Garrots à œil d'or, Grands Harles, un Harle couronné) - Pierre Bannon

St-Stanislas-de-Kostka, Hungry Bay: (1st winter male) King eider (Eider à tête grise - mâle de 1er hiver) - Don-Jean Léandri - PHOTO

Monteal, Ile Notre Dame: Townsend's Solitaire (Solitaire de Townsend) near the Canada pavillion (pavillon du Canada) - J. Michaud

Côte Sainte-Catherine: Northern pintail, Barrow’s goldeneye, 25+ Common goldeneye, greater scaup, 50+ Common mergansers, 5 Canada geese, Black ducks, Mallards, Gulls – Great black-backed, Herring, ring-billed (Canard pilet, 1 Garrot d'Islande, 25+ Garrot à oeil d'or,1 Fuligule milouinan, 50+ Grand harle, 5 Bernaches du Canada, Canards noir, Canard colvert, Goélands marin, argenté et à bec cerclé) - Gilles Ethier

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