Monday, May 11, 2009

Sightings for Monday May 11th

We did some birding around Chateauguay this morning at centre écologique Fernand-Seguin (FS), ruisseau Saint-Jean and Île St-Bernard(ISB) and ended up with a list of 62 species
Pied-billed grebe, Double-crestested cormorant, Great blue heron, Great egret, Turkey vulture, Canada goose, Mallard, Northern harrier(FS), Ring-billed gull, Great black-backed gull, Common tern, Rock dove, Mourning dove, Woodpeckers – Yellow-bellied sapsucker(FS), Downy, Hairy, Northern flicker, Pileated. Least flycatcher(ISB), Great-crested flycatcher(FS)(ISB), Eastern kingbird(FS), Warbling vireo(FS), blue jay, American crow, Purple martin(ISB), Tree swallow, Northern rough-winged swallow(ISB), Cliff swallow(ISB), black-capped chickadee, White-breasted nuthatch, House wren(ISB), Ruby-crowned kinglet(ISB), Wood thrush(FS), American robin, European starling, Warblers – Yellow(FS) (ISB), Chestnut-sided(FS) (ISB), Black-throated blue(FS), Yellow-rumped(ISB), Black-throated green(FS), American redstart(FS) (ISB), Ovenbird(FS), Wilson’s(FS). Scarlet tanager(FS), Song sparrow, White-throated sparrow, White-crowned sparrow, Northern cardinal, Rose-breasted grosbeak(FS), Bobolink(ISB), Red-winged blackbird, Common grackle, Brown-headed cowbird, Baltimore oriole(FS) (ISB), House finch, Pine siskin, American goldfinch, House sparrow
Grèbe à bec bigarré, Cormoran à aigrettes, Grand heron, Grande Aigrette, Urubu à tête rouge, Bernache du Canada, Canard colvert, Busard Saint-Martin, Goéland à bec cerclé, Goéland marin, Sterne pierregarin, Pigeon biset, Tourterelle triste, Pics – Maculé, Mineur, Chevelu, Flaboyante, Grand. Moucherolle tchébec, Tyran huppé, Tyran tritri, Viréo mélodieux, Geai blue, Corneille d'Amérique, Hirondelle noire, Hirondelle bicolore, Hirondelle à ailes hériss, Hirondelle à front blanc, Mésange à tête noire, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Troglodyte familier, Grive des bois, Merle d'Amérique, Étourneau sansonnet, Parulines – Jaune, à flancs marron, bleu, à croupion jaune, à gorge noir, flaboyante, couronnée, à calotte noire. Tangara écarlate, Bruants – chanteur, à gorge blanche, à couronne blanche, Cardinal rouge, Cardinal à poitrine rose, Goglu des prés, Carouge à épaulettes, Quiscale bronzé, Vacher à tête brune, Oriole de Baltimore, Roselin familier, Tarin des pins, Chardonneret jaune, Moineau domestique - Thomas Long, S. Veysey

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