Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sightings for Sunday May 31st

Valleyfield: Ruddy turnstone bicycle path along side the seaway channel beside St-Timothée

Tournepierre à collier sur la piste cyclable de la voie maritime coté St-Timothée - Daniel Lebrun - Click photo to enlarge

east of Sainte-Luce, Rang 2: BLUE-HEADED GROSBEAK (M) at feeders for the last 3 days

GUERACA BLEU (M) fréquente la mangeoire de Louise Lefebvre et de Robert Dorais sur le Rang 2 Est de Sainte-Luce depuis 3 jours. - Jacques Larivée

Godmanchester, Ridge Road: one first generation male Brewsters Warbler (Paruline de Brewster) was seen by myself and others - Jeremy Pauze

Île Verte: Cattle egret is present on the property of l'Url 'O' vent Héron garde-boeufs était présent sur le terrain de l'Url 'O' vent - Clémence Soulard and members of Bird Protection Quebec

Tadoussac: 2 Northern mockingbirds one on rue du pont grave and another near “la maison des dunes”

deux Moqueurs polyglottes étaient presents. Un individu rue du pont gravé et un autre près de la maison des dunes et voici d’ailleurs une photo de ce dernier individu - Photo - Renaud Pintiaux

Montreal: Common Nighthawks (Engoulevent d'Amérique) over the Plateau (Roy & St. Denis and Hotel de Ville & Naploeon) on two consecutive nights - Peter

Saint-Armand: ORCHARD ORIOLE at the end of chemin Solomon
ORIOLE DES VERGERS et il a été observé à deux reprises ce matin au bout du chemin Solomon -Normand Bourdon

Îles-de-la-Madeleine, in the Fatima sector: Sandhill crane in flight
une Grue du Canada en vol au-dessus de la maison parentale, située dans le secteur de Fatima aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine - Claude Roy

Sightings for Saturday May 30th

Verdun, Lachine Rapids: Arctic tern, 35 Black-bellied plovers, 5 Semipalmated sandpipers
Rapides de Lachine: une Sterne arctique, 35 Pluviers argentés et 5 Bécasseaux semipalmés. - Richard Guillet

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sightings for Tuesday May 26th

Dundee, parc faunique du lac Saint-Francois: Egret trail, 2 Sandhill cranes with at one young that I could see
digue aux aigrettes: 2 (Grues du Canada)Thomas Long

Chateauguay, 59 rue St-Francis: Merlin (Faucon émerillon)T. Long

Rivière-Ouelle dock: 5 Red-throated loon, 15 Double-crested cormorants, 12 Common eider (2 groups in flight), 40 Black scoter, White-winged scoter (in flight with black scoters), 2 Surf scoters (in flight headed east)
in the bay: 1 Great blue heron, 200 Semipalmated plover, 5 Killdeer, 25 Least sandpiper, 2 Semipalmated sandpiper, 8 Purple sandpiper, 15 Short-billed dowitcher
Quai de Rivière-Ouelle: Plongeon catmarin ...5 (En vol vers l'est, plumage nuptial), Cormoran à aigrettes ...15, Eider à duvet ...12 (2 groupes en vol), Macreuse noire ...40, Macreuse à front blanc ...2 (en vol parmi des M. noires), Macreuse brune ...2 (en vol vers l'est au large)
dans la baie: Grand Héron ...1, Pluvier semipalmé ...200, Pluvier kildir ...5, Bécasseau minuscule ...25, Bécasseau semipalmé ...2, Bécasseau violet ...8, Bécassin roux ...15 - Jean-François Rousseau

Montréal, parc Pointe aux Praires: 62 species (especes) including – Common tern, Cooper’s hawk, Great horned owl, Thrushes – Veery, Swainsons, Gray-cheeked. Hummingbird, Gadwall, Wood duck, Wigeon, and 10 species of Warbler including Orange-crowned, Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Wilson’s
Pointe aux Praires (les deux secteurs): Sterne Pierregarin, Epervier de Cooper, Grand-duc d'Amerique, Grive fauve, a dos olive, et a joues grises. Colibris, Canard Chipeau, branchu, d'Amerique, et 10 especes de parulines, comme la Verdatre, a gorge orange, rayee, a calotte noire. - Joël Coutu

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sightings for Monday May 25th

St-Armand: 3 Cerulean Warblers a female collecting material to build a nest like last Saturday, and 2 males singing. The Yellow-throated vireo couple are still present.
Frelighsburg: 2 Warblers singing like Golden-winged and another at Pigeon Hill (I did not see either).
I also heard and saw many Indigo buntings this morning between St-Armand and Frelighsburg.
St-Armand: 3 parulines azurées dont une femelle qui est venu au sol ramassé de quoi faire son nid tout comme samedi dernier. Ainsi que 2 mâles chanteurs. Le couple de Viréo à gorge jaune est toujours présent.
Frelighsburg: 2 parulines chantant comme une ailes dorées et une autre à Pigeon Hill (j'en ai vu aucune).
J'ai vu et entendu beaucoup de passerin indigo ce matin entre St-Armand et Frelighsburg. - Jean-Guy Papineau - click photo to enlarge
Baie-du-Febvre, route Janelle: at the second pond, Red-necked phalarope, 3 Short-billed dowitcher, white-rumped sandpiper. At the end of route Janelle, more than 75 Dunlin
un Phalarope à bec étroit (dans le second étang), 3 Bécassins roux et un Bécasseau à croupion blanc (aussi dans le second étang), plus de 75 Bécasseaux variables (au bout du route Janelle) - Michel Bertrand
Bird Protection Quebec will be participating in a special event at Parc des Rapides in Ville Lasalle. Heritage Laurentien has planned a day-long (10 am to 7 pm) nature day for the public at the park focusing on the bird life in the park. BPQ will have a display and information booth set up for the day at the park, plus beginning at 10 AM will be holding a special field trip through the park. We will take newcomers on a walk throughout the park, introducing them to the various species of birds visible in this excellent waterfront location. If there is enough demand, a second field trip walk will be conducted later in the day.

Parc des Rapides is located on Lasalle Blvd. at the corner of 6th avenue, justeast of Bishop Power Blvd. in Ville Lasalle. Free parking is available on-site.

We look forward to Saturday for a great day in the park. - Sheldon

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sightings for Sunday May 24th

Montreal, Angrignon Park: Red Winged Black Birds (Carouge à epaulettes), Common Tern (Sterne pierregarin), Blue Heron (Grand heron), family of Canada Geese (Bernache du Canada), mother, father and 4 little ones. - Sharon

Stanbridge East: male Bufflehead (Petit garrot) duck on our pond at the Canaust Bird Sanctuary, 17 North Road, He is very beautiful! No immediate evidence of female - Susan - click photo to enlarge

Trois-Rivières Ouest, rue De Sienne: Mute swan (Cygne tuberculé) - Lise Jacques

Cap Tourmente, La Cédrière trail: White-eyed vireo was again seen by Louis Messely
Sentier La Cédrière: Viréo aux yeux blancs a été retrouvé par Louis Messely - Laval Roy

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bird Protection Quebec's Field Trip Report for Saturday May 23rd

19 birders took part in today’s field trip at Refuge Faunique Marguerite d'Youville on Île St-Bernard in Châteauguay. Temperature 11-18C with light winds.

Total species count was 76
Bird of the day was a Pectoral Sandpiper spotted by Mark Brenchley.

Thank you for all who participated in today’s field trip and made it such an enjoyable day.

Geese, Swans & Ducks:
4 Canada Goose (Bernache du Canada), 12 Mallard (Canard colvert), 1 Wood Duck (Canard branchu), 3 Blue-winged Teal (Sarcelle à ailes bleues), 2 Gadwall (Canard chapeau), 1 Hooded Merganser (Harle couronné)

2 Common Loon (Plongeon huard)

12 Pied-billed Grebe (Grèbe à bec bigarré)

75 Double-crested Cormorant (Cormoran à aigrettes)

5 Great Blue Heron (Grand Héron), 7 Great Egret (Grande Aigrette), 2 Green Heron (Héron vert), 4 Black-crowned Night-Heron (Bihoreau gris)

Ospreys, Eagles, Hawks:
1 Cooper's Hawk (Épervier de Cooper), 1 Buteo species (espèces du genre Buteo)

Rails, Galilinules & Coots:
2 Common Moorhen (Gallinule poule-d'eau)

Sandpipers & Snipe:
2 Pectoral Sandpiper (Bécasseau à poitrine cendrée), 1 Wilson's Snipe (Bécassine de Wilson)

Gulls & Terns:
8 Bonaparte's Gull (Mouette de Bonaparte), 7 Great Black-backed Gull (Goéland marin), 150 Ring-billed Gull (Goéland à bec cerclé), 6 Common Tern (Sterne pierregarin), 6 Black Tern (Guifette noire)

Pigeons & Doves:
2 Mourning Dove (Tourterelle triste), 4 Rock Pigeon (Pigeon biset)

1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Colibri à gorge rubis)

1 Belted Kingfisher (Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique)

1 Downy Woodpecker (Pic mineur), 1 Hairy Woodpecker (Pic chevelu), 6 Northern Flicker (Pic flamboyant), 2 Pileated Woodpecker (Grand Pic)

1 Alder Flycatcher (Moucherolle des aulnes), 6 Willow Flycatcher (Moucherolle Des Saules), 14 Eastern Kingbird (Tyran tritri), 24 Great Crested Flycatcher (Tyran huppé), 1 Least Flycatcher (Moucherolle tchébec), 1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Moucherolle à ventre jaune)

40 Warbling Vireo (Viréo mélodieux), 1 Philadelphia Vireo (Viréo de Philadelphie), 3 Red-eyed Vireo (Viréo aux yeux rouges)

Jays & Crows:
6 Blue Jay (Geai bleu), 8 American Crow (Corneille d'Amérique)

20 Purple Martin (Hirondelle noire), 12 Barn Swallow (Hirondelle rustique), 10 Cliff Swallow (Hirondelle à front blanc), 60 Tree Swallow (Hirondelle bicolore)

16 Black-capped Chickadee, (Mésange à tête noire)

3 White-breasted Nuthatch (Sittelle à poitrine blanche)

3 House Wren (Troglodyte familier), 12 Marsh Wren (Troglodyte des marais)

Gnatcathers & Thrushes:
30 American Robin (Merle d'Amérique), 1 Veery (Grive fauve), 1 Wood Thrush (Grive des bois)

6 Gray Catbird (Moqueur chat), 1 Brown Thrasher (Moqueur roux)

16 European Starling (Étourneau sansonnet)

3 Cedar Waxwing (Jaseur d'Amérique)

Wood Warblers:
3 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Paruline à croupion jaune), 100 Yellow Warbler (Paruline jaune), 8 Common Yellowthroat (Paruline masque), 2 Black-and-white Warblers (Paruline noir et blanc), 16 Blackpoll Warblers (Paruline rayée), 2 American Redstart (Paruline flamboyante), 1 Northern Waterthrush (Paruline des ruisseaux), 1 Wilson's Warbler (Paruline à calotte noire)

40 Song Sparrow (Bruant chanteur), 1 Chipping Sparrow (Bruant familier), 24 Swamp Sparrow (Bruant des marais)

1 Northern Cardinal (Cardinal rouge), 3 Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Cardinal à poitrine rose)

12 Brown-headed Cowbird (Vacher à tête brune), 50 Common Grackle (Quiscale bronze), 200 Red-winged Blackbird (Carouge à epaulettes), 40 Baltimore Oriole (Oriole de Baltimore)

6 American Goldfinch (Chardonneret jaune)

Old World Sparrows:
10 House Sparrow (Moineau domestique)

T. Long

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sightings for Wednesday May 20th

Chateauguay, centre écologique Fernand-Seguin: Being on vacation Sharon and I went to Fernand-Seguin at 5am to listen for birds. An hour later we had seen but mostly heard 29 species: 6 Ring-billed Gull, 1 Northern Flicker, 2 Eastern Wood-Pewee, 3 Great Crested Flycatcher, 1 Philadelphia Vireo, 2 Red-eyed Vireo, 1 Blue Jay, 4 American Crow, 1 Common Raven, 1 Tree Swallow, 2 Black-capped Chickadee, 1 White-breasted Nuthatch, 1 Veery, 12 Wood Thrush (probably more as they were calling from everywhere), 8 American Robin, 2 European Starling, 4 Yellow Warbler, 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 6 American Redstart, 4 Ovenbird, 1 Wilson's Warbler, 2 Scarlet Tanager, 3 Song Sparrow, 2 Northern Cardinal, 1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 1 House wren, 2 Brown-headed Cowbird, 6 Baltimore Oriole, 1 American Goldfinch. Rue Flanagan: Magnolia warbler, Yellow-rumped warbler, American robin, White-crowned sparrows, Pine siskin, House finch, Grackles, Redwings, Mourning doves, Pigeons, House sparrows
centre écologique Fernand-Seguin: Goéland à bec cerclé, Pic flamboyante, Pioui de l'Est, Tyran hupée, Viréo de Philadelphie, Viréo aux yeux rouges, Geai bleu, Corneille d'Amérique, Grand corbeau, Hirondelle bicolore, Mésange à tête noire, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Grive fauve, Grive des bois, Merle d'Amérique, Étourneau sansonnet, Paruline jaune, Paruline à flancs marron, Paruline flaboyante, Paruline couronée, Paruline à calotte noire, Tangara écarlate, Bruant chanteur, Cardinal rouge, Cardinal à poitrine rose, Troglodyte familier, Vacher à tête brune, Oriole de Baltimore, Chardonneret jaune
Rue Flanagan: Paruline à tête cendrée, Paruline à croupion jaune, Merle d'Amérique, Bruant à couronne blanche, Tarin de pins, Roselin familier, Quiscale bronze, Carouge à epaulettes, Tourterelle triste, Pigeon biset, Moineau domestique - T. Long, S. Veysey

Montréal, Pointe-aux-Trembles, rue Notre-Dame: east-end near the refineries about 300 Brant geese
au niveau des raffineries de l'est une bonne bande de Bernaches cravant, étaient environ 300 - Yves Gauthier
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue: about 200 Brant (Bernaches cravant) - Marie-Anne Hudson

Rivière-Ouelle dock (7:00-8:30): 8 Red-throated loon, 30 Northern gannet, 6 Double-crested cormorant, 1 Great blue heron, 3 Common eider, 300 Black scoter, 2 Red-breasted merganser, 5 Bonaparte’s gull, 70 Ring-billed gull, 18 Herring gull, 2 Great black-backed gull, 10 Razorbill, 2 Killdeer
Just before leaving the dock a compact group of about 150 shorebirds in flight, came and landed in the large bay south of the dock. 120 Semipalmated plovers, 15 Dunlin, 8 Least sandpipers, 2 Lesser yellowlegs, Stilt sandpiper, 1 Purple sandpiper
quai de Rivière-Ouelle: Plongeon catmarin ...8, Fou de Bassan ...30, Cormoran à aigrettes ...6, Grand Héron (dans la baie) ...1, Eider à duvet ...3, Macreuse noire ...300, Harle huppé ...2, Mouette de Bonaparte (en vol vers l'est), ...5, Goéland à bec cerclé ...70, Goéland argenté ...18, Goéland marin ...2, Petit Pingouin ...10 (dont un groupe de 4 posé au large du quai), Pluvier kildir ...2
Juste comme j'allais quitter le quai, un groupe compact de près de 150 limicoles arrive en vol et chance!, bifurque et va se poser dans la grande baie au sud du quai. Quelques minutes de marche et j'ai rejoint le groupe qui incluait: Pluvier semipalmé ...120, Bécasseau variable ...15, Bécasseau minuscule ...8, Petit chevalier ...2, Bécasseau à échasses ...1 (Observé de très près. Plumage nuptial presque complet. Bécasseau violet ...1 (Observé de très près. Plumage nuptial sombre et bigarré, courtes pattes et base du bec orangés.) - Jean-François Rousseau

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Westmount, Summit Park - Jim Houghton Warbler Walk, Tuesday May 18th

This morning we were greeted at 7:00 am by a sunny day, no wind to speak of, and temperature rising from single digits in the early morning to middle teens, making the walking very pleasant. As our walk concluded at around 9:00 am, increasing winds from the southwest hinted approaching rain, and perhaps more warbler fall-out tomorrow.

15 birders observed and/or heard 29 species today.
Red-shouldered Hawk 1, Merlin 1, Ring-billed Gull 1, Chimney Swift 6, Downy Woodpecker 1, Hairy Woodpecker 2, Northern Flicker 1, Pileated Woodpecker 1, Great Crested Flycatcher 2, Red-eyed Vireo 1, Blue Jay 2, American Crow 6, Black-capped Chickadee 2, Wood Thrush 1, American Robin 4, European Starling 8, Tennessee Warbler 1, Chestnut-sided Warbler 2, Magnolia Warbler 3, Black-throated Blue Warbler 2, Black-throated Green Warbler 1, American Redstart 2, Chipping Sparrow 3, Northern Cardinal 5, Indigo Bunting 2, Red-winged Blackbird 1, Common Grackle 1, American Goldfinch 8, House Sparrow 1

Thanks to all who turned out. Next Tuesday, 25 May, will be ourf inal walk for this spring...hope to see you all then -Kyra

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sightings for Monday May 18th

Quebec, Domaine Maizerets: WHITE-EYED VIREO accompanied by a group of 20-25 birds at the north end of the trail about halfway between the grass and the boardwalk in the ruisseau du Moulin sector.
VIRÉO AUX YEUX BLANCS Il accompagnait un groupe d'environ 20-25 oiseaux, dans le secteur du sentier extrême nord, à peu près à mi-chemin entre les pelouses et le début de la passerelle de bois menant au secteur du ruisseau du Moulin. Parulines - à croupion jaune, bleue flamboyante - Louis Messely

Montréal, Mount-Royal cemetery: Warblers – Tennessee, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Northern parula, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Black-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated green, Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Black & white, American redstart, Mourning
Turkey vulture, Red-shouldered hawk, Chimney swift, Hummingbird, Pileated woodpecker, Eastern wood-pewee, Alder flycatcher, Least flycatcher, Eatern bluebird, Veery, Scarlet tanager, White-crowned sparrow, Rose-breasted grosbeak, Indigo bunting etc 57 species
cimetière du Mont-Royal: La majorité des observations ont été effectuées sur la colline Est du cimetière. Paruline obscure (2), Paruline verdâtre (1), Paruline à joues grises (15), Paruline à collier (4), Paruline jaune (1), Paruline à flancs marron (5), Paruline à tête cendrée (25), Paruline bleue (8), Paruline à croupion jaune (10), Paruline à gorge noire (10), Paruline à gorge orangée (2), Paruline rayée (1), Paruline noir et blanc (1), Paruline flamboyante (12), Paruline triste (1).
Urubu à tête rouge, Buse à épaulettes, Martinet ramoneur, Colibri à gorge rubis (2, filant vers le sud), Grand Pic, Pioui de l'Est, Moucherolle des aulnes, Moucherolle tchébec, Merlebleu de l'Est, Grive fauve, Tangara écarlate (1, en migration vers le sud), Bruant à couronne blanche, Cardinal à poitrine rose, Passerin indigo, etc. En tout 57 espèces - Don-Jean Léandri, Fanny Senez Gagnon, Alexandre Brunet, Audrey-Anne G.-Payette, Étienne Léveillé-Bouret

Bird Protection Quebec's Field Trip Report for Monday May 18th

Westmount Summit/Mt. Royal Cemetery

16 birders participated in this morning's outing. It started out chilly but began to warm up as the Sun broke through. We were pleased to welcome 3 first timers to a BPQ outing. The Summit was quite quiet this morning. The majority of birds this time around were actually seen as opposed to just being heard. A fellow birder reported that a Cooper's Hawk had been seen a few times this morning possibly being one of the reasons for the birds' lack of vocalizing. As the morning wore on, activity picked up and together with a short trip over to Mount Royal Cemetery we were able to complete the day with 46 species.

Hereare the results: 1 Great Blue Heron, 1 Cooper's Hawk, 1 Red-shouldered Hawk, 5 Ring-billed Gull, 4 Rock Pigeon, 1 Eastern Screech Owl, 4 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 1 Yellow-bellied Spasucker, 1 Downy Woodpecker, 5 Hairy Woodpecker, 3 Northern Flicker, 1 Pileated Woodpecker, 3 Least Flycatcher, 6 Great-crested Flycatcher, 5 Blue-headed Vireo ,1 Warbling Vireo, 6 Philadelphia Vireo, 3 Blue Jay, 12 American Crow, 1 Common Raven, 6 Black-capped Chickadee, 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 1 White-breasted Nuthatch, 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1 Eastern Bluebird, 75 American Robin, 2 Gray Catbird, 1 Brown Thrasher, 50 European Starling, 1 Yellow Warbler, 1 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 4 Magnolia Warbler, 4 Black-throated Blue Warbler, 2 Yellow-rumped Warbler, 1 Bay-breasted Warbler, 3 Black and White Warbler, 2 American Redstart, 2 Ovenbird, 1 Scarlet Tanager, 15 Chipping Sparrow, 6 Song Sparrow, 2 White-throated Sparrow, 3 Northern Cardinal, 3 Indigo Bunting, 12 American Goldfinch, 4 House Sparrow - Sheldon

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sightings for Sunday May 17th

Cap Tourmente: TOWNSEND’S WARBLER (M) beside the marais des Graves (marsh). Observation was at a distance of less tha 5m at eye level und perfect light condintions and were able to check out its features for about 2 minutes. We saw 21 species of Warbler with a total of 89 species in all.
PARULINE DE TOWNSEND mâle dans le petit mélézin qui jouxte le marais des Graves. L'observation s'est effectuée à une distance de moins de 5 m à hauteur des yeux et sous une lumière parfaite, de sorte qu'on a pu contempler l'oiseau sous toutes ses coutures pendant environ deux minutes: Nous avons dénombré 21 espèces de parulines au cap Tourmente aujourd'hui parmi 89 espèces en tout. - Jean Bernier, Gaétan Lord

Dundee, parc faunique du lac Saint-Francois: 2 Sandhill cranes Egret trail
digue aux aigrettes: 2 (Grues du Canada) - Régis Fortin

Sightings for Saturday May 16th

Montreal, Parc du Mont Royal 6:45 - 9:45: Warblers – Bay-breasted, Yellow-rumped, Magnolia, Black-throated blue, Black-throated green, American redstart, Northern parula,, Blackburnian, Ovenbird, Tennessee, Black & white, Nashville, Chestnut-sided. Heard my first Eastern-wood pewee.
Other species – Scarlet tanager, Rose-breasted grosbeak, Thrushes – Wood,Veery, Swainson”s
Parulines - à poitrine baie (3), à croupion jaune (20), à tête cendrée (4), bleue (3), à gorge noire (2), flamboyante (2), à collier (3), à gorge orangée (4), couronnée (4), obscure (2), noir et blanc (3), à joues grises (2), à flancs marron (3). J'ai entendu chanter pendant un bon moment mon premier Pioui de l'Est.
Autres espèces: Tangara écarlate, Cardinal à poitrine rose, Grives - des bois, fauve, à dos olive, etc. - Diane Demers

parc de Île de la Visistation: Warblers - Bay-breasted, Chestnut-sided, Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Nashville, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Black and white, Black-throated green
Parulines - à poitrine baie, à flancs marron, à gorge orange, Rayée, à joues grises, Jaunes, à croupion jaune, noir et blanc, à gorge noire - Tony Bezina

Bird Protection Quebec's Field Trip Report for Saturday May 16th

10 birders participated in today's field trip along the western shore of the Richelieu River. We covered numerous observation points in Saint-Luc, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Sainte-Blaise, St-Paul-de-l'Ile aux Noix and Lacolle. The weather co-operated until just after the noon hour when we decided to stop for lunch. As it looked like the rain would continue, we decided to complete our bird list for the day in Lacolle. We had a total of 51 species, plus 1 unidentified hawk species for the morning.

Here is our list.

6 Canada Goose
6 Mallard
2 Common Goldeneye
1 Double-crested Cormorant
1 American Bittern
3 Great Blue Heron
1 Hawk species
1 Semipalmated Plover
7 Killdeer
1 Greater Yellowlegs
2 Spotted Sandpiper
12 Least Sandpiper
1 Pectoral Sandpiper
36 Ring-billed Gull
4 Common Tern
10 Rock Pigeon
12 Mourning Dove
2 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
1 Belted Kingfisher
2 Downy Woodpecker
3 Northern Flicker
1 Least Flycatcher
2 Great Crested Flycatcher
2 Eastern Kingbird
1 Blue-headed Vireo
6 Warbling Vireo
1 Philadelphia Vireo
3 Blue Jay
15 American Crow
40 Purple Martin
24 Tree Swallow
1 Cliff Swallow
1 Barn Swallow
4 Black-capped Chickadee
2 Tufted Titmouse
60 American Robin
2 Gray Catbird
75 European Starling
8 Yellow Warbler
6 Yellow-rumped Warbler
3 Common Yellowthroat
1 Chipping Sparrow
12 Song Sparrow
5 Swamp Sparrow
10 Northern Cardinal
125 Red-winged Blackbird
75 Common Grackle
6 Brown-headed Cowbird
12 Baltimore Oriole
4 House Finch
18 American Goldfinch
12 House Sparrow

After wrapping up today's field trip along the Richelieu, 4 of us decided to
brave the weather and cross the highway from Lacolle, exploring Roxham and
Fisher Roads in Hemmingford.
We succeeded in getting ourselves quite wet at times, but occasional breaks in
the rain provided opportunities to add some excellent species to the morning's

Here are the 12 species we added:

2 Turkey Vulture
1 Hairy Woodpecker
1 Common Raven
1 Red-breasted Nuthatch
2 White-breasted Nuthatch
4 Eastern Bluebird
1 Tennessee Warbler
1 American Redstart
1 Ovenbird
1 Savannah Sparrow
5 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
1 Pine Siskin


Sightings for Friday May 15th

Dundee, parc faunique du lac Saint-Francois: 3 Sandhill cranes (Grues du Canada) 2 in the picture .. the nest with 2 eggs was just nearby - Richard Seguin - click photo to enlarge
Ville Lasalle, Parc Angrignon: Lincoln’s sparrow (Bruant de Lincoln) - Diane Demers
Mercier, water treatment pond: Wilson’s phalarope
étangs d'épuration: Phalarope de Wilson - Monique Groulx
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield: Mute swan rivière Saint-Charles (river) west of the intersection of boulevard Langlois & autoroute 30
rivière Saint-Charles à Cygne tuberculé à l'ouest de l'intersection du boulevard Langlois et de l'autoroute 30 - Jacinthe Sauvé

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sightings for Thursday May 14th

If anyone wants to see Upland Sandpipers (Maubèche des champs) when passing there are some in the Buffalo pens off Montee Wilson which is just off highway 40 west of Rigaud. Birds have also returned to the Grand Montee just into Ontario. - Mark Dennis

Baie-du-Fèbvre, northern pond on rue Janelle: Black terns, Least sandpiper, Spotted sandpiper, Northern shoveler, Mallard, Gadwall, Pied-billed grebe, Redheads, Songsparrow, Snow geese, Tree swallows. Turkey vulture flying 3 or 4 meters above the pond. Redwings, Grackles
Near the tower look-out: Semipalmated plovers, Killdeer, Least sandpiper, Dunlin, Lesser yellowlegs, Grreater yellowlegs, Rough-legged hawk, Crows etc.
sur l'étang nord de la rue Janelle: 15+ Guifettes noire, 20+ Bécasseaux minuscule, 1 Chevalier grivelé, 4 Canards souchet, 8 Canards colvert, 2 Canards chipeau, 2 Grèbes à bec bigarré, 10 Fuligules à tête rouge, 2 Bruants chanteur, 8 Oies des neiges, 10+ Hirondelles bicolores. 1 Urubu à tête rouge qui survolait l'étang à 3 ou 4 mètres d'altitude, Carouges et Quiscales
près de la tour, il y a encore un peu d'eau dans le champs. 100+ Pluviers semi-palmé, 4 Pluviers kildir, 100+ Bécasseaux minuscule, 20+ Bécasseaux variable, 1 Petit chevalier, 1 Grand chevalier, 1 Buse pattue de forme claire, 11 Corneilles et les communs régulier - Gilles Ethier

Cap Tourmente: White-eyed vireo (Viréo aux yeux blancs) - Charles Vachon

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sightings for Wednesday May 13th

Montréal, (Pierrefond) Cap St-Jacques :60 (especes) species - Turkey vulture, Cooper’s hawk, Wilson’s snipe, Belted kingfisher,, Great-crested flycatcher, Blue-headed vireo, House wren, Wood thrush, Eastern meadowlark, Bobolinks, Rose-breasted grosbeak, Savannah & Swamp sparrow
Warblers – Tennesseee, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Black-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated green, Blackpoll, Black & white, American redstart, Ovenbird, Northern waterthrush, Common yellowthroat
Urubu a tete rouge(2), Epervier de Cooper(1),Becassine de Wilson (3), Martin Pecheur (1), Tyran huppe (2), Vireo a tete bleue (1), Troglodyte familier (6+), Grive des bois (2), Sturnelle des pres (3), Goglu des pres (10+), cardinal a poitrine rose (1), Bruant des pres et Marais.
Parulines - obscure(1), Jaune (partout !), à flancs marron(1), à tete cendree (1), bleue (3), à croupion jaune (4), à gorge noire (1), rayee (1), noir et blanc (2), flamboyante (8+), couronne (6+), des ruisseaux (1), masquee (2) - Joël Coutu

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sightings for Tuesday May 12th

Saint-Louis de Gonzague:Long-tailed duck - Bicycle path rest area between pont de Saint-louis & pont Laroque (bridges)

Harelde kakawi - Aire de repos sur la piste cyclable entre le pont de Saint-louis et le pont Laroque (voie maritime) - Daniel Lebrun - click poto to enlarge

Westmount (parc) Summit park - Jim Houghton warbler Walk - Tuesday May 12th

Twenty two birders participated in the walk this morning, 38 bird specieswere seen/heard. The bird of the day was the Eastern Screech Owl, found basking in the sun in a weathered stump of a tree, thanks to Maryellen. Theweather was sunny, very bright. The leaves were out on most of the trees,but there were some that still had bare branches on top

Double-crested Cormorant, 2 (flying over), Ring-billed Gull 3, European Starling 6, Rock Pigeon 1, Nashville Warbler 3, Eastern Screech Owl 1, Northern Parula 1, Chestnut-sided Warbler 5, Magnolia Warbler 1, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 2, Black-throated Green Warbler 2, Blackburnian Warbler 4, Black-and-white Warbler 12, Ovenbird 1,
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Downy Woodpecker 2, Hairy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 2, Great Crested Flycatcher 2, Blue-headed Vireo 1, Blue Jay 2, American Crow 12, Black-capped Chickadee 6, Chipping Sparrow 3, White-throated Sparrow 1, White-breasted Nuthatch 3, Red-breasted Nuthatch 1, Northern Cardinal 6, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1, Hermit Thrush 2, Veery 2, Wood Thrush 1, American Robin 4, Indigo Bunting 1, Baltimore Oriole 3, House Finch 1, Pine Siskin 1, American Goldfinch 18, House Sparrow 1

Cormoran à aigrettes, Goéland à bec cerclé, Étourneau sansonnet, Pigeon biset, Petit-duc maculé, Parulines - Paruline à joues grises, à collier, à flancs marron, à tête cendrée, Bleu, à croupion jaune, à gorge noir, à gorge orangée, Noir et Blanc, couronnée. Pics – maculé, mineur, chevelu, flamboyante. Tryan huppé, Vireo à tête bleu, Geai bleu, Corneille d'Amérique, Mésange à tête noire, Bruants – familier, à gorge blanche, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Sittelle à poitrine rousse, Cardinal rouge, Cardinal à poitrine rose, Grive solitaire, Grive fauve, Grive des bois, Merle d'Amérique, Passerin indigo, Oriole de Baltimore, Roselin familier, Tarin des pins, Chardonneret jaune, Moineau domestique - Kyra Emo

Ayerès Cliff,Tomifobia Nature Trail: Kathy Adams and I had the opportunity to observe an American Bittern (Butor d'Amérique) displaying his nuptial feathers that are on either side of his shoulders. At first we did not think it was a bittern. These feathers were pushed out when he walked, and after about 15 minutes he finally gave his normal pumping sound - Sheila MacLean - Click photo to enlarge

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sightings for Monday May 11th

We did some birding around Chateauguay this morning at centre écologique Fernand-Seguin (FS), ruisseau Saint-Jean and Île St-Bernard(ISB) and ended up with a list of 62 species
Pied-billed grebe, Double-crestested cormorant, Great blue heron, Great egret, Turkey vulture, Canada goose, Mallard, Northern harrier(FS), Ring-billed gull, Great black-backed gull, Common tern, Rock dove, Mourning dove, Woodpeckers – Yellow-bellied sapsucker(FS), Downy, Hairy, Northern flicker, Pileated. Least flycatcher(ISB), Great-crested flycatcher(FS)(ISB), Eastern kingbird(FS), Warbling vireo(FS), blue jay, American crow, Purple martin(ISB), Tree swallow, Northern rough-winged swallow(ISB), Cliff swallow(ISB), black-capped chickadee, White-breasted nuthatch, House wren(ISB), Ruby-crowned kinglet(ISB), Wood thrush(FS), American robin, European starling, Warblers – Yellow(FS) (ISB), Chestnut-sided(FS) (ISB), Black-throated blue(FS), Yellow-rumped(ISB), Black-throated green(FS), American redstart(FS) (ISB), Ovenbird(FS), Wilson’s(FS). Scarlet tanager(FS), Song sparrow, White-throated sparrow, White-crowned sparrow, Northern cardinal, Rose-breasted grosbeak(FS), Bobolink(ISB), Red-winged blackbird, Common grackle, Brown-headed cowbird, Baltimore oriole(FS) (ISB), House finch, Pine siskin, American goldfinch, House sparrow
Grèbe à bec bigarré, Cormoran à aigrettes, Grand heron, Grande Aigrette, Urubu à tête rouge, Bernache du Canada, Canard colvert, Busard Saint-Martin, Goéland à bec cerclé, Goéland marin, Sterne pierregarin, Pigeon biset, Tourterelle triste, Pics – Maculé, Mineur, Chevelu, Flaboyante, Grand. Moucherolle tchébec, Tyran huppé, Tyran tritri, Viréo mélodieux, Geai blue, Corneille d'Amérique, Hirondelle noire, Hirondelle bicolore, Hirondelle à ailes hériss, Hirondelle à front blanc, Mésange à tête noire, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Troglodyte familier, Grive des bois, Merle d'Amérique, Étourneau sansonnet, Parulines – Jaune, à flancs marron, bleu, à croupion jaune, à gorge noir, flaboyante, couronnée, à calotte noire. Tangara écarlate, Bruants – chanteur, à gorge blanche, à couronne blanche, Cardinal rouge, Cardinal à poitrine rose, Goglu des prés, Carouge à épaulettes, Quiscale bronzé, Vacher à tête brune, Oriole de Baltimore, Roselin familier, Tarin des pins, Chardonneret jaune, Moineau domestique - Thomas Long, S. Veysey

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sightings for Sunday May 10th

Fabre, rang 2 nord: Trumpeter swan (Cygne trompette) - Gilles Ethier, Monique Rouleau

Bird Protection Quebec's Ile Bizard Field Trip Report for Saturday May 10th
8:00 - 11:30 Cool, cloudy, slight shower 5 observers 34 species

Canada Goose 12, Wood Duck 2, Mallard 6, Hooded Merganser 1, Pied-billed Grebe 2, Great Blue Heron 1, Virginia Rail 2, Sora 1, Ring-billed Gull 1,Barred Owl 1, Northern Flicker 2, Pileated Woodpecker 1, Great Crested Flycatcher 2, Tree Swallow 25, Nothern Rough-winged Swallow 6, Cliff Swallow 12,Blue Jay 2, American Crow 6, Black-capped Chickadee 6, House Wren 2, Marsh Wren 4, American Robin 2, Gray Catbird 3, Brown Thrasher 2, Cedar Wawing 24, European Starling 2, Warbling Vireo 1, Yellow Warbler 6, Northern Cardinal 2, Song Sparrow 6, Swamp Sparrow 3, Red-winged Blackbird 50, Common Grackle 4, American Goldfinch 6 - Felix

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sightings for Saturday May 9th

Bird Protection Quebec's Philipsburg Field Trip Report for Saturday May 9th

Cool, cloudy, blustery turning to rain. Prematurely terminated due to heavy rain. S. Montgomery, 22 observers. 68 species

Canada Goose 40, Wood Duck 2, Mallard 5, Great Blue Heron 5, Great Egret 1, Turkey Vulture 7, Osprey 1, Bald Eagle 1, Merlin 2, Killdeer 1, Wilson's Snipe 1, Ring-billed Gull 2, Rock Pigeon 2, Mourning Dove 4, Great Horned Owl 1 + 2 juv., Barred Owl 1, Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1, Belted Kingfisher 2, Red-bellied Woodpecker 2, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 6, Downy Woodpecker 4, Hairy Woodpecker 4, Northern Flicker 2, Pileated Woodpecker 2, Least Flycatcher 6, Eastern Phoebe 3, Great Crested Flycatcher 7, Yellow -throated Vireo 3, Warbling Vireo 9, Red-eyed Vireo 1, Blue Jay 7, American Crow 15, Common Raven 7, Tree Swallow 6, Black-capped Chickadee 12, White-breasted Nuthatch 3, House Wren 6, Marsh Wren 6, Eastern Bluebird 3, Veery 2, Hermit Thrush 3, Wood Thrush 4, Am. Robin 36,Gray Catbird 3, European Starling 26,Yellow Warbler 3, Black-throated Blue Warbler 2, Yellow-rumped Warbler, 9, Black-throated Green Warbler 1, Black-and-white Warbler 1, Ovenbird 9, Common Yellowthroat 5, Scarlet Tanager 2, Chipping Sparrow 11, Song Sparrow 18, Swamp Sparrow 12, White-throated Sparrow 4, White-crowned Sparrow 6, Northern Cardinal 9, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3, Red-winged Blackbird 40, Common Grackle 32, Brown-headed Cowbird 8, BaltimoreOriole 11, House Finch 2, Pine Siskin 6, American Goldfinch 16, House Sparrow 8.- Felix

Pincourt: Ruby-throated hummingbird (Colibri à gorge rubis) at my feeder - Sharon
Dundee, Réserve nationale de faune du lac St-François: Egret trail 2 SANDHILL CRANES, 3 Great blue herons, Northern harrier, Red-tailed hawk, Chimney swift, Common tern, 2 Wood ducks, 3 Green-winged teal, American bittern, 2 Gray catbirds, Scarlet tanager, Many Canada geese and one family with 8 young. 12 Yellow warblers, Ovenbird, 12 Red-winged blackbirds, 12 Tree swallows, Wilson’s snipe
All accompanied by the calls of Wild turkeys, Magnolia warbler, Black & white warbler, American robins, Wood ducks, Mallards, Northern shovelers and Pintails
Digue aux aigrettes 7h00 à 9h45: 2 GRUES DU CANADA, 8 Grandes aigrettes, 3 Grands hérons, 1 Busard St-Martin, 1 Buse à queue rousse, 1 Martinet ramoneur, 1 Sterne pierregarin, 2 Canards branchus, 3 Sarcelles d'hiver, 1 Butor d'Amérique, 2 Moqueurs-chats, 1 Tangara écarlate, Plusieurs Bernaches du Canada dont une famille de 10 (2 parents et 8 bébés), Une dizaine de Parulines jaunes, 1 Paruline couronnée, Une dizaine de Carouge à épaulettes, Des dizaines d'Hirondelles bicolores, 1 Bécassine de Wilson, 1 Paruline couronnée
Le tout accompagné de chants/cris de Dindons sauvages, de Paruline à tête cendrée, de Paruline noir et blanc, de merles d'Amérique, canards branchus, colverts, souchets et pilets - Patrick Laniel & Christine Lambert

ruisseau Saint-Jean: Canada Goose, Mallard, Pied-billed Grebe, American Bittern, Great Egret, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Ring-billed Gull, Mourning Dove, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Warbling Vireo, American Crow, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Robin, Gray Catbird, European Starling, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, Rusty Blackbird, Common Grackle, Brown-headed Cowbird, Baltimore Oriole, American Goldfinch
Bernache du Canada, Canard colvert, Grèbe à bec bigarré, Butor d'Amérique, Grande Aigrette, Bihoreau gris, Goéland à bec cerclé, Viréo mélodieux, Corneille d'Amérique, Hirondelle bicolore, Hirondelle rustique, Mésange à tête noire, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Merle d'Amérique, Moqueur chat, Étourneau sansonnet, Jaseur d'Amérique, Paruline jaune, Paruline à tête cendrée, Paruline blue, Paruline à croupion jaune, Paruline á gorge noir, Bruant chanteur, Carouge à épaulettes, Quiscale rouilleux, Quiscale bronzé, Vacher à tête brune, Oriole de Baltimore, Chardonneret jaune

Lac St-Louis: Common Loon (Plongeon huard) Common Tern (Sterne pierregarin)

Île St-Bernard: Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Mallard, Bufflehead, Pied-billed Grebe, Double-crested Cormorant, Turkey Vulture, Ring-billed Gull, Common Tern, Rock Pigeon, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Least Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo, American Crow, Tree Swallow, Cliff Swallow, American Robin, Gray Catbird, European Starling, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle, Brown-headed Cowbird, Baltimore Oriole, American Goldfinch, House Sparrow
Oie des neiges, Bernache du Canada, Canard colvert, Petit Garrot, Grèbe à bec bigarré, Cormoran à aigrettes, Urubu à tête rouge. Goéland à bec cerclé, Sterne pierregarin, Pigeon biset, Pic mineur, Pic flamboyant, Moucherolle tchébec, Tyran huppé, Viréo mélodieux, Corneille d'Amérique, Hirondelle bicolore, Merle d'Amérique, Moqueur chat, Étourneau sansonnet, Paruline jaune, Paruline à croupion jaune, Bruant chanteur, Cardinal rouge, Carouge à épaulettes, Quiscale bronzé, Vacher à tête brune, Oriole de Baltimore, Chardonneret jaune, Moineau domestique

67 rue St-Francis: Merlin (Faucon émerillon) - Thomas Long
Montréal, Mount Royal Cemetery: Scarlet tanager, Northern mockingbird, Cooper’s hawk pair at their nest
Cimetière Mont-Royal: Tangara écarlate et un Moqueur polyglotte tout en voix ! Le couple d’épervier de Cooper s’échangeaient la garde du nid - Johanne Paquette

parc du Mont-Royal: Eastern towhee singing in the small woods separate from the park, between boul. Camillien Houde & boul. Mont-Royal
Warblers - Northern parula, Nashville, Yellow-rumped, Magnolia, Black-throated blue, Black-throated green, Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided, Black & white, American redstart, Ovenbird
Also more than a dozen Blue-headed vireos, around 12 Rose-breasted grosbeaks, a Pileated woodpecker at the nest, 1 Purple martin, 75+ White-throated sparrows, Hermit thrush, Veery
Tohi à flanc roux qui chantait Il était dans le petit boisé, un peu séparé du parc, entre le boul. Camillien Houde et le boul. Mont-Royal.
parulines - à collier 3, à joues grises 7, à croupion jaune 40, à tête cendrée 1, bleue 5, à gorge noire 8, à gorge orangée 3, à flancs marron 4, noir et blanc 4, flamboyante 1, couronnée 3
Aussi, plus d'une dizaine de Viréos à tête bleue, environ 12 Cardinals à poitrine rose, un Grand Pic au nid, une Hirondelle noire, plus de 75 Bruants à gorge blanche, Grive solitaire et la Grive fauve - Samuel Denault
Boucherville, Parc de la Frayère: Warblers all over on both side of blvd. Marie-Victorin. 12 species seen – Nashville, Northern parula, Yellow Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Black-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated green, Blackburnian, Palm, Bay-breasted, Black & white. Others seen the American redstart, Common yellowthroat and Ovenbird.
Also: Warbling vireo, Blue-headed vireo, Gray catbird, Baltimor oriole, Great-crested flycatcher, Eastern kingbird, Least flycatcher, Marsh wren, Ruby-crowned kinglet, Belted kingfisher, Black-crowned Night-heron, Common moorhen, Pied-billed grebe, Black tern etc.
Parulines et il y en avait un peu partout, des deux côtés de blvd. Marie-Victorin. J'en ai observé 12 espèces (à joues grises, à collier, jaune, à flancs marron, à tête cendrée, bleue, à croupion jaune, à gorge noire, à gorge orangée, à couronne rousse, à poitrine baie, noir et blanc). D'autes ont vu la flamboyante, la masquée et la couronnée).
Aussi, Viréo mélodieux, le Viréo à tête bleue, Moqueur chat, l'Oriole de Baltimore, le Tyran huppé, le Tyran tritri, le Moucherolle tchébec, le Troglodyte des marais,Roitelet à couronne rubis, Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique, Bihoreau gris, Gallinule poue-d'eau, Grèbe à bec bigarré, Guifette noire, etc. - Michel Bertrand

Salaberry-de-Valleyfield: Mute Swan rivière St-Charles west of the intersection of blvd. Langois & autoroute 30
Cygne tuberculé rivière St-Charles Il se trouvait à l'ouest de l'intersection du boulevard Langlois et de l'autoroute 30. - Jacinthe et Raymond Sauvé

Québec, domaine de Maizerets: Warblers - Yellow-rumped, Pine, Cape May, Chestnut-sided, Yellow, Blackburnian, Northern parula, Warbling vireo, Brown thrasher, Black-crowned night-heron
Paruline à croupion jaune, Paruline des pins (femelle de première année),Paruline tigrée, Paruline à flancs marron, Paruline jaune, Paruline à gorge orangée, Paruline à collier, Viréo mélodieux, Moqueur roux et Bihoreau gris - Laval Roy

Friday, May 08, 2009

Sighting for Friday May 8th

Verdun, Île des Sœurs: 8 species of Warbler - Yellow-rumped, Yellow, Black-throated blue, Black-throated green, Black & white, Nashville, Palm, Magnolia + 4 Baltimore orioles, Warbling vireo, Blue-headed vireo
8 espèces parulines : croupion jaune, jaune, bleu, à gorge noire, noir et blanc, àjoues grises, à couronne rousse, à tête cendrée + 4 Orioles de Baltimore, 1Viréo mélodieux, 1 Viréo à tête bleue
Carolina wren, Red-shouldered hawk, Least bittern, Great-crested flycatcher, Eastern phoebe
Troglodyte de Caroline, Buses à épaulettes, Petit Blongios, Tyran huppé et un Moucherolle phébi - Charles Ménard
Westmount, Summit park: Yellow rumped, Nashville, Black-throated blue (heard only), Blue-headed vireo, Pileated woodpecker
Parc Summit d’où j’arrivais et réussi àl’arraché de voir la croupion jaune, à joues grises et entendu seulement :la gorge noire et la bleue. Plus le Viréo à tête bleue, le Grand Pic - Richard Guille

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Sightings for Thursday May 7th

Victoriaville, réservoir Beaudet: Barnacle goose still present
Bernache nonnette - Alain Daigle
Gatineau, marais des Grenouillettes: Ruff seen with other shorebirds
Combattant Varié est toujours présent au avec d'autres limicoles Dubois
marais des Laîches: Eurasian wigeon (Canard siffleur) (m) - Rodolphe Dubois & Jean

Between Bergeronnes & Les Escoumins: King eider (m) visable from Bon-Désir campground
entre Bergeronnes et Les Escoumins la présence d'un splendide Eider à tête grise mâle visible depuis le camping Bon-Désir - Renaud Pintiaux

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sightings for Tuesday May 5th

Westmount (parc) Summit park - Jim Houghton warbler Walk - Tuesday 5 May 2009

We began with a beautiful sunny morning, slightly cool, and with light wind. Observers numbered 25, and we thought they would outnumber the bird species. However, at the end of the walk, 30 bird species were counted. Birds of the day were *two Pileated Woodpeckers, male and female seen entering and exiting a rotten tall stump of a tree just off the south side of the north road, and later in the woods enjoying low lying foraging; also a beautiful **Great Crested Flycatcher was both seen and heard.

For all who are birding in Park Summit in Westmount for spring migrants, a shady-looking man was observed walking along the road looking inside cars. Make sure you keep your valuables with you when you are birding. - Alain Goulet

Merlin 1 (flying over, toward the cemetery), Ring-billed Gull 2, Rock Pigeon 3, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Downy Woodpecker 2, Hairy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 4, Pileated Woodpecker 2 *See above, Great Crested Flycatcher 1 **See above, Blue-headed Vireo 1, Blue Jay 1, American Crow 12, Black-capped Chickadee 8, Red-breasted Nuthatch 1, White-breasted Nuthatch 2, Hermit Thrush 3, American Robin 7, European Starling 4, Nashville Warbler 2, Northern Parula 1, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 6, Chipping Sparrow 3, Song Sparrow 1, White-throated Sparrow 8, Dark-eyed Junco 1, House Finch 1, Pine Siskin 2, American Goldfinch 3, House Sparrow 1
Faucon émerillon, Goéland à bec cerclé, Pigeon biset, Pic maculé, Pic mineur, Pic chevelu, Pic flamboyant, Grand pic, Viréo à tête bleue, Geai blue, Corneille d'Amérique, Mésange à tête noire, Sittelle á poitrine rousse, Sittelle á poitrine blanche, Grive solitaire, Merle d'Amérique, Étourneau sansonnet, Parulines – á joues grise, à collier, Blue, Paruline à croupion jaune, Bruant familier, Bruant chanteur, Bruant á gorge blanche, Junco ardoisé, Roselin familier, Tarin des pins, Chardonneret jaune, Moineau domestique

À tous ceux qui visite le parc Summit de Westmount ce printemps, un homme a été observé en train de regarder dans toutes les voitures stationnées au parc Summit hier. Soyer prudent et ne laissez pas d'objets de valeur dans votre voiture lorsque vous visitez le parc Summit (ou lorsque vous visitez n'importe quel endroit dans le fond). - Alain Goulet

Next walk is on 12 May 09 at 7:00 am - Kyra

Victoriaville, réservoir Beaudet: Eared grebe (Grèbe à cou noir) , Banacle goose (Bernache nonnette) - Alain Goulet

Baie du Fèbvre, rue Janelle: Wilson’s snipe, American golden plover, Black-bellied plover, Semipalmated plover, Greater & lesser yellowlegs, Dunlin, Pectoral sandpipers, Least sandpipers, House wrens, etc
halte de la Bernache: 3 Greater white-fronted geese
halte de la Sarcelle, Peregrine falcon perched in a dead tree
Many ducks, Canada geese, Snow geese
rue Janelle: 1 Bécassine de Wilson, 1 Pluvier bronzé, 4 Pluviers argenté, 1 Pluvier semi-palmé, Plusieurs Grand et petit chevalier, 7 Bécasseaux variable, 11 Bécasseaux à poitrine cendrée, 7 Bécasseaux minuscule, 2 Troglodytes familier, etc
halte de la Bernache: 3 Oies rieuse
halte de la Sarcelle: Faucon pélerin perché dans un arbre mort.
Beaucoup de canards, Bernaches et Oies des neiges - Gilles Ethier

Dundee, parc faunique du lac Saint-Francois: 2 Sandhill cranes, American bittern, Turkey vultures, Osprey (on nest), Northern harrier, Greater yellowlegs, Wild turkeys (calling)
2 grues du Canada 1 butor d'Amérique, 3 urubus à tête rouge, 1 balbuzard pêcheur (sur son nichoir), 1 busard Saint-Martin, 1 grand chevalier, des cris de dindons sauvages - Patrick Laniel

Notre-Dame, rang Édouard: Snowy owl sitting on top of a garage
Harfang des neiges posé sur un grange - Jean-Guy Papineau

Monday, May 04, 2009

Sightings for Monday May 4th

bassin de Chambly basin: 1 Little gull, 12 Bonaparte’s gulls, 2 Horned grebes, 2 Red-necked grebes

Une autre matinée radieuse sans trop de vent, où le plan d'eau du bassin de Chambly semblait pourtant désert. Postée au fort pour profiter d'un soleil arrière, la lunette d'approche roulait à pleine vapeur pour débusquer un groupe d'oiseaux à plus d'un kilomètre, collés sur la rive opposée.

Qu'à celà ne tienne, parmi une dizaine de Mouettes de Bonaparte, les critères se révèlent lentement: petit bec, absence de croissants blancs aux yeux sur une calotte très sombre, de plus petite taille que la Bonaparte, voilà une Mouette pygmée. Pas évident à cette distance, alors qu'elle aurait pu se trouver à quelques mètres de mon trépied.

Mais j'aimerais la voir s'envoler... Étirant ma patience, Charles Ménard s'approche par hasard et une panoplie d'oiseaux aquatiques se regroupent où nous observons côte-à-côte : 2 Grèbes esclavons, 2 Grèbes jougris, des Mouettes de Bonaparte et la potentielle Mouette Pygmée, qui finalement décolle et nous montre le dessous foncé des ses ailes!

Si vous voulez comparer ces deux mouettes posées sur l'eau, de quoi s'écorcher les yeux...! - Raymond Belhumeur - click photo to enlarge

Westmount, parc Summit park: A nice day and hopefully a repeat for tomorrow's Jim Houghton Spring Warbler Walk
7:00 am - 10:00 am Summit Park Lookout - Au Belvédère du Summit Park
7:00 AM Tuesdays May 5, 12, 19, 26
7 h 00 les mardis 5, 12, 19, et 26 mai

Pine Siskin, Black-capped Chickadee, Chickadee, American Robin, Blue-headed Vireo, American Crow, American Goldfinch, Northern Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, Piliated Woodpecker, Northern Cardinal, Great-crested Flycatcher, White-breasted Nuthatch, Ruby-crowned kinglet, Black-throated Green Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Palm Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Brown Creeper, Hermit Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Blue Jay, Great Blue Heron, Peregrine Falcon, House Finch, European Starling, Dark-eyed Junco, Ring-billed Gull
Tarin des pins, Mésange à tête noire, Merle d'Amérique, Viréo à tête bleue, Corneille d'Amérique, Chardonneret jaune, Pic Flaboyant, Pic mineur, Grand pic, Cardinal rouge, Tyran huppé, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Roitelet à couronne rubis, Parulines – á gorge noir, á joues grise, blue, à couronne rousse, noir et blanc, Grimpereau brun, Grive solitaire, Bruant familier, Bruant á gorge blanche, Bruant chanteur, Geai blue, Grand heron, Faucon pèlerin, Roselin familier, Étourneau sansonnet, Junco ardoisé, Goéland à bec cercléA. Goulet, A. Plimer

Victoriaville, réservoir Beaudet: Eared grebe, Barnacle goose still present
Grèbe à cou noir Bernache nonnette - Daniel Gagné

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sightings for Sunday May 3rd

Bird Protection Quebec's Field Trip Report for Saturday May 3rd
Pointe-aux-Prairies field trip report

11 birders joined in for a walk at Pointe-aux-Prairies Nature Park. The temperature was nice, sunny and not too cold, but the wind started blowing stronger by mid-morning.

We made two stops, at both parking lots (the first visited (P1) being the onethat is west of the other (P2)), plus an additional stop east of the park, alongthe bicycle path (BP).

The cold northern winds from the previous night might be to blame for scarcity of migrating song birds. In fact, only two warbler species were met along thepark, but one singing Yellow Warbler showed itself very generously, for the joy of all of us. A Blue-headed Vireo was also well seen by everyone, but the Warbling Vireo was only heard by three of us before it flew away.

The bird of the day has to be the «White-headed Robin» that was previouslyspotted by the COMIR group (P2). That American Robin had its head all white, contrasting with the rest of the body that was presenting more normalpigmentation. A picture of the bird is being posted on the Songsparrow email list. Unfortunately, not all members of our group were lucky enough to see the bird, as it was flushed away at some point. A Brown Thrasher was also seen hiding in the nearby bushes.

Thanks to Sheldon, who had his scope all along, we were able to add two Greater Scaups standing on the Rivière des Prairies at a good distance, plus two Northern Pintails.

Thanks also to the will and determination of the birders left after the list, we were able to add a 50th species, the Rock Pigeon, by birding some extra minutes along the bicycle path east of the park (BP), our third and last stop. I also added another species on the list, the Green Heron (number 51) that was mentioned by a member of our group on the Songsparrow. I was sorry we had missed it with the group.

Finally, as I previously birded the area on my own from 7h15 to 7h45 AM, I had a Baltimore Oriole and a House Wren singing (BP), as well as three Red-necked Grebes standing on the river, spotted first with binoculars, and then observed with a scope before they flew away westward (P2). Unfortunately, none of those species were found again as we visited these areas with the group.
Here are the 51 species encountered: Canada Goose (110), Gadwall (15), AmericanWidgeon (8), American Black Duck (2), Mallard (6), Blue-winged Teal (3),Northern Shoveler (3), Northern Pintail (2), Greater Scaup (2), Red-necked Grebe(3), Double-crested Cormorant (15), Green Heron (1), Black-crowned Night Heron(1), Turkey Vulture (1), Sharp-shinned Hawk (1), Ring-billed Gull (20), GreatBlack-backed Gull (3), Rock Pigeon (5), Mourning Dove (2), Belted Kingfisher(1), Downy Woodpecker (2), Northern Flicker (12), Eastern Phoebe (2),Blue-headed Vireo (1), Warbling Vireo (1), Blue Jay (6) American Crow (2), TreeSwallow (2), Black-capped Chickadee (10), White-breasted Nuthatch (1), HouseWren (1), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (3), American Robin (50), Gray Catbird (1), BrownThrasher (2), European Starling (15), Yellow Warbler (3), Yellow-rumped Warbler(1), Chipping Sparrow (3), Song Sparrow (20), Swamp Sparrow (12), White-throatedSparrow (6), Dark-eyed Junco (1), Northern Cardinal (6), Red-winged Blackbird(50), Common Grackle (4), Brown-headed Cowbird (12), Baltimore Oriole (1), HouseFinch (1), Pine Siskin (12), American Goldfinch (30).

Warm thanks to everyone for coming, and staying alert for birds all long.- Diane Demers

Victoriaville, réservoir Beaudet: Eared Grebe (Grèbe À Cou Noir) Photo - Andre Fontaine

Montréal, Île de la Visitation: 46 especes Species
Sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper’s hawk, Merlin, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO (seen Saturday also), Northern mockingbird, Sparrows Lincoln & Swamp, Warblers – Northern parula, Chestnut-sided, Yellow-rumped, Pine, Black & white
Épervier brun et de Cooper, Faucon Émerillion, VIRÉO A GORGE JAUNE, (observe hier, Samedi,aussi), Moqueur polyglotte, Bruant de Lincolin et Marais. Parulines - a collier, a flancs marron, a croupion jaune, des pins, et la noir et blanc - Joel Coutu

Verdun, Île des Sœurs: 2 Least Bittern were calling in the phragmites at the south end of lac des Battures. Also a Baltimore oriole was singing, and I heard a Purple finch in the woods. Around the island Common tern. 44 species tolal
2 Petits Blongios vocalisaient dans les phragmites au sud du lac des Battures de l'île des Sœurs ce matin. Aussi, un Oriole de Baltimore chantait et j'ai entendu un Roselin pourpré dans le boisé. Au large de l'île, j'ai vu ma première Sterne pierregarin. Un total de 44 espèces -Pierre Bannon

Ayer's Cliff, Sentier Nature Tomifobia: 6:30 – 12:45 64 (espèces) Species
Of the 11 Warblers found five were heard only. Norhtern parula, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Black & white, Northern waterthrush and Common yellowthroat. Heard only Nashville, Black-throated blue, Black-throated green, American redstart and Ovenbird
Sur les 11 parulines recensées, 5 n'ont été qu'entendues. Parmi les «vues», il y avait la Paruline à collier, la jaune, la croupion jaune, la noir et blanc, la paruline des ruisseaux et la masquée. Celles seulement «entendues», la joues grises, la bleue, la gorge noire, la flamboyante et la couronnée.
Flycatchers – Least, Phoebe, Kingbird. Rose-breasted grosbeak. Warbling & Blue-headed vireos. House & Winter wrens. Solitary sandpiper, Spotted sandpiper, Sparrows – Savannah, Vesper, Song, Chipping, Swamp & White-throated
Moucherolles tchébec, phébi et tritri. Cardinal à poitrine rose, le Viréo mélodieux et à tête bleue, le Troglodyte familier et mignon, le Chevalier solitaire et grivelé et les Bruants des prés, vespéral, chanteur, familier, des marais et à gorge blanche.
Raptors – Broad-winged hawk, Red-tailed hawk, Sharp-shinned hawk, American kestrel, Red-shouldered hawk, Turkey vultures
Rapaces - Petite Buse, Buse à queue rousse, Épervier brun, Crécerelle, Buse à épaulettes, Urubu à tête rouge - Gisèle Gilbert, Serge Mailhot

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Bird Protection Quebec's Field Trip Report for Saturday May 2nd

Cooper Marsh
It was a beautiful morning at Cooper Marsh though decidedly cool at amaximum of 14 degrees Celsius. Bright sun gave way to cloud as the morning progressed.

There were 26 birders so we divided into two official groups, and someothers birded on their own. Felix led the other group for which thanks.

It is difficult to choose a Bird of the Day that everybody saw. Felix's group, for example, saw Rusty Blackbirds, which people in my group wanted. My group saw a pair of Eastern Meadowlarks that people in Felix's group wanted. Everybody saw a Black-crowned Night-Heron perched in a snag as the walk began so I would say that this was the Bird of theDay with Honduran Mention (don't you love spell check? That's what I was offered for a mistyped Honourable!) to the other two as well as two late Common Redpolls found in the far southwestern corner of the marsh.

Thanks to everybody who came out to share a great morning - Martin
Here is the species list and count for today's trip to

SPECIES SEEN OR HEARD in Cooper Marsh ~ 54

Double-crested Cormorant 20 Cormoran à aigrettes, Great Blue Heron 2 Grand heron, American bittern Butor d'Amérique, Green Heron 1 Héron vert, Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Bihoreau gris, Canada Goose 30 Bernache du Canada, Wood Duck 1 Canard branchu, Mallard 12 Canard colvert, Osprey Balbuzard pêcheur, Turkey Vulture 3 Urubu à tête rouge, Virginia Rail 4 Râle de Virginie, Common Moorhen 1 Gallinule poule-d'eau, Wilson’s Snipe 12 Bécassine de Wilson, Ring-billed Gull 6 Goéland à bec cerclé, Common Tern 3 Sterne pierregarin, Mourning Dove 4 Tourterelle triste, Belted Kingfisher 1 Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 Pic maculé, Downy Woodpecker 6 Pic mineur, Hairy Woodpecker 1 Pic chevelu, Northern Flicker 3 Pic flamboyant, Pileated Woodpecker 2 Grand pic, Eastern Phoebe 4 Moucherolle phébi, Eastern Kingbird 4 Tyran tritri, Tree Swallow 45 Hirondelle bicolore, Barn Swallow 1 Hirondelle rustique, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2 Roitelet à couronne rubis, House Wren 1 Troglodyte Familier, Marsh Wren 3 Troglodyte des marais, Gray Catbird 1 Moqueur chat, American Robin 60 Merle d'Amérique, Black-capped Chickadee 5 Mésange à tête noire, White-breasted Nuthatch 1 Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Blue Jay 2 Geai blue, American Crow 6 Corneille d'Amérique, European Starling 18 Étourneau sansonnet, Warbling Vireo 2 Viréo mélodieux, Common Redpoll 2 Sizerin flammé, Pine Siskin 1 Tarin des pins, American Goldfinch 10 Chardonneret jaune, Yellow Warbler 5 Paruline jaune, Yellow-rumped Warbler 3 Paruline à croupion jaune, American tree sparrow 2 Bruant hudsonien, Savannah Sparrow 2 Bruant des prés, Song Sparrow 30 Bruant chanteur, Swamp Sparrow 60 Bruant des marais, White-crowned Sparrow 2 Bruant à couronne blanche, White-throated Sparrow 4 Bruant à gorge blanche, Dark-eyed junco 1 Junco ardoisé, Northern Cardinal 2 Cardinal rouge, Red-winged Blackbird 100 Carouge à épaulettes, Eastern Meadowlark 2 Sturnelle des prés, Rusty Blackbird 12 Quiscale rouilleux, Common Grackle 20 Quiscale bronzé, Brown-headed Cowbird 8 Vacher à tête brune

Sightings for Saturday May 2nd

Dundee, parc faunique du lac Saint-Francois: 3 Sandhill cranes (Grue du Canada) - Lyne Pelerin, Gaétan Proulx, Pierre Lamontagne

Sherbrooke, Boisé Blanchard: White-eyed vireo about 150m from rue Delorme along the bicycle path
Viréo aux yeux blancs, il se tenait à environ 150 m de la rue Delorme le long de la piste cyclable - Réjean Tanguay

Between St-Valère & Victoriaville, réservoir Beaudet: Barnacle goose rte 161 still being seen
Bernache nonnette route 161 entre St-Valère et Victoriaville - Laval Roy +
2 Horned grebe, 1 EARED GREBE & 5 Red-necked grebes
2 eGrèbes esclavons, 1 GRÈBE À COU NOIR, & 5 Grèbes jougris - Claude Roy

Hemmingford, Fisher road: Singing Ovenbird (Paruline couronnée) and Veery (Grive fauve) - Mark Tomalty

Rosemère, Marais Tylee: 2 Wood duck couples, Brown creeper, 2 Canada goose couples, Downy woodpecker, Hairy woodpecker, Northern flicker, Great blue heron, Yellow-rumped warbler
2 couples de branchu, grimpereau brun, bernache ( 2 couples ) pic mineur,chevelu, flamboyant, grand héron et paruline croupion jaune - Michel Lecavalier

Friday, May 01, 2009

Sightings for Friday May 1st

Ville Lasalle: Peregrine falcon (Faucon pèlerin) flying beside the (pont) Mercier bridge - T. Long

Between St-Valère & Victoriaville, réservoir Beaudet: Barnacle goose rte 161 across from 664
Bernache nonnette route 161 et elle est maintenant en face du 664, entre St-Valère et Victoriaville - Claude Roy

While commuting home by bicycle from Montréal to St Lambert via Ile Notre Dame to Victoria Bridge. I had a group of 13 Bonapartes Gulls (Mouette de Bonaparte) in flight in tight formation. They seemed to come from the public beach there, which is now 3/4 drained for maintenance, and headed out over the St Lawrence River towards Habitat. A Peregrine Falcon (Faucon pèlerin) had passed low over the area moments before and likely flushed the gulls. 2 Yellow Warblers (Paruline jaune) were also singing on the island - Mark Tomalty
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