Saturday, June 06, 2015

Sightings for Saturday June 6

I was conducting a survey of Marsh Birds in the Pointe Fortune carte/map area this morning.

I had heard about this area before, thanks to Mark Dennis in particular, but it was my first time birding marshy areas. Truly impressive by its diversity (fields, deciduous and mixed forests, marshes and wet prairies). Interesting to hear a Scarlet tanager, a Bobolink and a Sora, in just a few hundred meters walking...

Very good diversity of birds around. What was very nice in particular was to hear two Least bitterns calling. They remained hidden, but encountering this endangered specie is always a sign for hope, at least for me.

The good find of the day was a singing male Sedge wren. I first heard it but it was quite difficult to confirm in the lively and sometimes overwhelming sounds of the marshes. I was finally lucky enough to hear it very well and then spot it for a long time as today, he was very conspicuously singing on tops of grass and small bushes, in a wet prairie. There were possibly 2 singing males, but I was not able to confirm as this prairie is mostly hidden by surrounding forest and hays, so views are limited, bugs are much more 'in your face'. - Frédéric Hareau

50 species: 4 Canada Goose, 4 Wood Duck, 1 Mallard, 1 Ruffed Grouse, 1 Wild Turkey, 2 Least Bittern, 1 Great Blue Heron, 1 Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 Virginia Rail, 1 Sora, 2 Belted Kingfisher, 1 Hairy Woodpecker, 2 Northern Flicker, 1 Pileated Woodpecker, 1 Eastern Wood-Pewee, 2 Alder Flycatcher, 1 Eastern Phoebe, 3 Great Crested Flycatcher, 2 Eastern Kingbird, 1 Warbling Vireo, 3 Red-eyed Vireo, 5 Blue Jay, 2 American Crow, 2 Barn Swallow, 3 Black-capped Chickadee, 1 Sedge Wren, 1 Marsh Wren, 3 Veery, 1 Wood Thrush, 5 American Robin, 2 Gray Catbird, 4 European Starling, 8 Cedar Waxwing, 5 Ovenbird, 2 Black-and-white Warbler, 1 Nashville Warbler, 4 Common Yellowthroat, 1 American Redstart, 5 Yellow Warbler, 3 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 5 Song Sparrow, 5 Swamp Sparrow, 1 Scarlet Tanager, 1 Indigo Bunting, 2 Bobolink, 18 Red-winged Blackbird, 12 Common Grackle, 6 Brown-headed Cowbird, 5 Baltimore Oriole, 8 American Goldfinch
50 espèces: 4 Bernache du Canada, 4 Canard branchu, 1 Canard colvert, 1 Gélinotte huppée, le 1 Dindon sauvage, 2 Petit Blongios, 1 Grand héron, 1 Buse à épaulettes, 1 Râle de Virginie, 1 Marouette de Caroline, 2 Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique, 1 Pic chevelu, 2 Pic flamboyant, 1 Grand Pic, 1 Pioui de l'Est, 2 Moucherolle des aulnes, 1 Moucherolle phébi, 3 Tyran huppé, 2 Tyran de l'Est, 1 Viréo mélodieux, 3 Vireo aux yeux rouges, 5 Geai bleu, 2 Corneille d'Amérique, 2 Hirondelle rustique, 3 Mésange à tête noire, 1 Troglodyte à bec court, 1 Troglodyte des marais, 3 Grive fauve, 1 Grive des bois, 5 Merle d'Amérique, 2 Moqueur chat, 4 Étourneau sansonnet, 8 Jaseur d'Amérique , 5 Paruline couronnée, 2 Paruline noir et blanc, 1 Paruline à joues grises, 4 Paruline masquée, 1 Paruline flamboyante, 5 Paruline jaune, 3 Paruline à flancs marron, 5 Bruant chanteur, 5 Bruant des marais, 1 Tangara écarlate, 1 Passerin indigo, 2 Goglu des prés, 18 carouge à épaulettes, 12 Quiscale bronzé, 6 Vacher à tête brune, 5 Oriole de Baltimore, 8 Chardonneret jaune

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