Monday, May 26, 2014

Sightings for Monday May 26

Montréal: This morning at the Botanical Gardens, there was a small "hot spot" behind la maison de l'arbres along the fence between the Garden and the Park Maisonnneuve. Among the species seen: Blackpoll Warbler, Wilson's, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Common yellowthroat, Canada and an adult female Hooded warbler. The Mourning Warbler was heard but not seen. Also, an Eastern Wood-pewee

Ce matin au Jardin Botanique, il y avait un petit "hot spot" derrière la maison de l'arbres, le long de la clôture entre le Jardin et le Parc Maisonnneuve. Parmi les espèces vu: Parulines rayée, à calotte noire, jaune, à croupion jaune, masquée, du Canada puis une femelle adulte paruline à capuchon. La paruline triste était entendu mais pas vu. Aussi, un pioui de l'est. - Michael Bridger

Westmount Summit park:  A couple of Boreal flycatchers, one of them quite a surprise to me: an Olive-sided Flycatcher (Moucherolle à côtés olive)...certainly the fist I'd observed in that location. Also, several Yellow-bellied Flycatchers (Moucherolles à ventre jaune). (At least 3, perhaps 4). Besides these, in an hour and a half, I saw and heard 28 additional species, but nothing not already reported. Scarlet Tanagers, Great Crested Flycatchers, Red-eyed Vireos, black-throated Blue Warblers, and 2 Indigo Buntings (Tangara écarlate, Tyran huppé,  Viréo aux yeux rouges, Paruline bleue, et 2 Passerines Indigo) were in FULL voice the entire time. - Ian Turner

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