Friday, June 22, 2007

Sightings for Friday June 22nd

St-Timothée marsh: 2 Least bittern (Petit Blongios), American bitttern (Butor d'Amérique), 14 Great egret (Grande Aigrette), Great blue heron (Grand Héron), 3 Black-crowned night-heron (Bihoreau gris), Pied-billed grebe (Grèbe à bec bigarré), 2 Common moorhen (Gallinule poule d'eau), Gadwall (Canard Chipeau, Northern flicker (Pic flamboyant), Turkey vulture (Urubu à tête rouge)

Godmanchester, chemin Biggar: Indigo bunting (Passerin indigo), Scarlet tanager (Tangara écarlate), Field sparrow (Bruant des champs), Eastern towhee (Tohi à flancs roux), Yellow warbler (Paruline jaune), Common yellowthroat (Paruline masquée) - Régis Fortin

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sightings for Thursday June 21st

Ile Bizard: Yellow warbler (Paruline Jaune), American redstart (Paruline flamboyante), Black tern (Guifette noire), Green heron (Heron vert), Common mooorhen (Gallinule poule d'eau), Virginia rail (Rale de Virginie), Least bittern (Petit Blongio), Barred owl (Chouette rayée), Marsh wren (Troglodyte des marais), Hooded merganser (Harle couronné), Pileated woodpecker (Grand pic) - Sylvain Sabourin

Irlande, (near Saint-Ferdinand) west of the 104 chemin Gosford, in the dead trees of the marsh, quite visible of the road: NORTHERN CARMINE BEE-EATER (GUÊPIER ÉCARLATE) - D. McCutcheon, D. Langlois

Sightings for Wendesday June 20st

Chateauguay, Ile St-Bernard: 35 species including - Great egret, Great blue heron, Green heron, Black-crowned night heron, American bittern, Pied-billed grebe, Black tern, Common tern, Marsh wren, Yellow warbler, Common yellowthroat, American redstart, least flycatcher, Veery - T. Long

Irlande, (near Saint-Ferdinand) 104 chemin Gosford, in the dead trees of the marsh, quite visible of the road: NORTHERN CARMINE BEE-EATER (GUÊPIER ÉCARLATE) - M. Ouellet

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mt St Bruno Field Trip Report for June 16th

The last officially scheduled field trip of the season was well attended by birders (if not birds) with seventeen enthusiasts showing up and enjoying a leisurely stroll along the Sentier du Grand Duc. This trail is alittle rougher than others in the park but led through a variety of potentially good habitats near the park's entrance. For the last half hourof the trip we passed through the small but interesting arboetum section of the park, As is often the case at this time of the year, the combination of birds no longer being as vocal this far into the breeding season and a late start (if one goes by "bird standard time" - they have already been up for four hours by the time we started at 8:00 a.m.), we had to work hard for our sightings. Our best avian views were of a very cooperative indigo bunting, several close cedar waxwings and several redstarts in a variety of plumages, not to mention with a variety of songs! Views of both geese and a mallard duck with young in tow were as usual with met with many oohs and aahs.

On the mammalian list were at least one and probably 2 different foxes who crossed paths with us and 2 deer, one of which refused to be disturbed from her morning siesta while lying in a field as we trooped by. Squirrels and chipmunks abounded.

Our complete list of 44 species (several seen only by Jean, Clemence and Carol as they waited patiently early in the morning for the gate to open) is given below.

Thanks to everyone for coming out. A big welcome to Carole on her first trip with us and a special big thank you to Jean and Clemence who once again lived up to their "volunteers of the year" award winning status by giving Carole a lift to the trip and helping her out with seeing and ID'ing the birds throughout the walk. Thanks to Tom for his extra pair of binoculars. Thanks to Sheldon for co-leading and suggesting a walk through the arboretum section.

Remember that Sheldon's "Summer Series of Birding" trips will begin in twoweeks time. Watch your e-mails for details.

40 Canada geese, 7 Mallards (1 female and 6 young), 2 Great blue herons, 1 Turkey vulture, 2 hawk species, both of which were too quick for positive ID, 12 Ring-billed gulls, 1 Rock Pigeon, 1 Ruby-throated hummingbird, 1 Belted kingfisher, 6 Yellow-bellied sapsuckers, 1 Downy Woodpecker, 3 Northern flickers, 1 Eastern wood pewee, 2 Alder flycatchers, 1 Willow flycatcher, 1 Eastern Kingbird, 3 Red-eyed vireos, 1 Blue Jay, 6 American Crows, 1 Tree swallow, 1 Barn Swallow, 6 Black-capped chickadees, 2 White-breasted nuthatches, 3 Veeries, 24 American Robins, 2 European Starlings, 8 Cedar Waxwings, 1 Nashville Warbler, 4 Yellow warblers, 1 Chestnut-sided warbler, 6 American Redstarts, 1 Ovenbird, 3 Common yellowthroats, 2 Chipping Sparrows, 3 Song sparrows, 1 White throated sparrow1, Northern Cardinal, 4 Indigo Buntings, 3 Bobolinks, 5 Red-winged blackbirds, 6 Common grackles, 3 Brown-headed cowbirds, 30 American Goldfinches

Thanks to everyone for coming out. A big welcome to Carole on her first trip with us and a special big thank you to Jean and Clemence who once againlived up to their "volunteers of the year" award winning status by giving Carole a lift to the trip and helping her out with seeing and ID'ing thebirds. Thanks to Tom for his extra pair of binoculars.


Sightings for Saturday June 16th

Côte-Sainte-Catherine : Caspian tern (Sterne caspienne), Common terns (Sterne pierregarin), Bonaparte’s gull (Mouette de Bonaparte) - Michel Bertrand

Saint-Timothée marsh: Least bittern (Petit Blongios), Great egret (Grande Aigrette), Great blue heron (Grands Hérons), Common terns (Sterne pierregarin), Black terns (Guifette noire), Common moorhen (Gallinule poule-d'eau), Pied-bill grebe (Grèbe à bec bigarré), Redhead duck (Fuligule à tête rouge), Ring-necked duck (Fuligule à collier), Marsh wren (Troglodyte des marais) - Michel Bertrand

Irlande, (near Saint-Ferdinand) beind 106 or across from 111 du chemin Gosford: NORTHERN CARMINE BEE-EATER (GUÊPIER ÉCARLATE) - G. Paquet, C. Jacques

Sightings for Saturday June 9th

Huntington, chemin Jameson: Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coulicou à bec jaune) - E. Milot, H. Brunoni, M. Bisson, J.-C. Aznar, H. Paucar

Sightings for Friday June 8th

Pointe de Yamachiche: Snowy Egret (Aigrette neigeuse) - J. Gélinas & M. Bourassa

Sightings for Thursday June 7th

Elgin chemin Paul near the 3rd Concession: Clay-colored Sparrow (Bruant des plaines) - A. Quenneville, L. Goneau

Stanbridge, 17 North Road: Northern Mockingbird (Moqueur polyglotte) - S. Baker

Châteauguay, rue Higgins: Red-bellied woodpecker (Pic à ventre roux) - P. Bannon

Sightings for Wednesday June 6th

Montréal, Rivière-des-Prairies rue Marco-Polo: Northern Mockingbird (Moqueur polyglotte) - F. J. Corriveau

Sightings for Monday June 4th

Montreal, Rivière des Prairies 68th ave: Bonaparte’s gull (Mouette de Bonaparte) - Jean Gawloski

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sightings for Sunday June 3rd

Chateauguay, Île Saint-Bernard: Black-billed cuckoo (Coulicou à bec noir), Blackpoll warbler (Paruline rayée), Willow flycatcher (Moucherolle des saules), 23 Great egret (Grand egret)T. Long & S. Veysey - 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (Gobemoucheron gris-blue) - Stéphane Guimond

Saint-Étienne-de-Beauharnois, 1st pond: White pelican (pélican d'Amérique), Great egret (Grande Aigrette), Great blue heron (Grand Héron), Redhead (Fuligule à tête rouge), Ring-necked duck (Fuligule à collier), Northern pintail (Canard pilet), Blue-winged-teal (Sarcelle à ailes bleues), 1 Snow goose (Oie des neiges), Common & Black tern (Sterne pierregarin et Guifette noire) - Régis Fortin

Saint-Blaise, 96th avenue in a flooded field: Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalarope de Wilson)
Hemmingford 1st rue: Black-billed cuckoo (Coulicou à bec noir), 5 Pine warblers (Parulines des pins), 3 Mourning warblers (Parulines tristes) - Pierre Bannon

Sightings for Saturday June 2nd

St-Étienne, 1st pond: White pelican (pélican d'Amérique) - Daniel Ouellette

Laval, parc des Prairies: Yellow-bellied flycatcher (Moucherolle à ventre jaune), Least flycatcher (Moucherolle Tchébec), Eastern wood-pewee (Pioui de l'Est), Blackpoll warbler (Paruline rayée) - Élaine Presseau et Georges Lachaîne

Friday, June 01, 2007

Sightings for Wednesday May 30th

Chateauguay, Île Saint-Bernard - refuge faunique Marguerite-D'Youville, “plage du Nord” section: 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (Gobemoucheron gris-blue) - M. Groulx and members of COL

Baie-du-Febvre: Wilson's Phalarope (Phalarope de Wilson) - J. Gélinas

Bird Protection Quebec: Hudson's evening field trip

Tuesday May 29th, 13 birders enjoyed Hudson's evening field trip in memory of long time BPQ member Marg Hendricks. Marg was a keen birder and along with Mabel McIntosh, banded Saw-whet owls in the Cote Vertu woods. Marg had a collection of bird nests and she gave interesting talks to many school children in the Montreal area.The weather was beautiful last evening, the mosquitoes not bad, and we were ableto observe 46 species.
We had an interesting start to the evening when Felix Hilton found a painted turtle in the process of laying eggs. The evening got more interesting when we spotted an American bittern standing on the rail (as in road ) catching insects.

The following is our complete list. Thanks to all who came out for a fun evening.

Canada goose 2, Wood duck 1, Mallard 6, Ruffed grouse 1 heard, American bittern 3, Great blue heron 1, Green heron 1, Virginia rail 1 heard, Wilson's snipe 1 ( it landed on the tracks near the Bittern ),Ringed-billed gull 1, Rock pigeon 3, Mourning dove 12, Whip-poor-will 1 (heard by 2 members at the St. Lazare sand pits on the way home), Belted kingfisher 1, Northern flicker 3, Eastern wood peewee, 1 Alder flycatcher 2, Eastern phoebe 1, Great-crested flycatcher 2, Eastern kingbird 6, Warbling vireo 1, Blue jay 2, American crow 2, Tree swallow 4, Barn swallow 4, Black-capped chickadee 1, White-breasted nuthatch 1, Marsh wren 1, Eastern bluebird 1, Veery 1, American robin 12, Gray catbird 1, European starling 12, Cedar waxwing 6, Yellow warbler 6, American redstart 2, Common yellowthroat 4, Wilson's warbler 1, Song sparrow 2, Swamp sparrow 2, White-throated sparrow 2, Red-winged blackbird 50, Common grackle 20, Brown-headed cowbird 2, Baltimore oriole 6, American golfinch 6, Bobolinks 3

Also seen 1 beaver and 1 white-tailed deer.

Barbara MacDuff

Westmount Summit, Jim Houghton Memorial Spring Warbler

Report of the Jim Houghton Memorial Spring Warbler Walk at Westmount Summit between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, Tuesday 29 May 2007. 22 birders observed and/or heard 34 bird species this morning. The weather was sunny and warm with a light wind. The leaves on trees and theunder growth were spectacular in the amount of growth in a short time:

1 Turkey Vulture, 2 Ring-billed Gull, 3 Rock Pigeon, 1 Eastern Screech Owl, 10 Chimney Swift, 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 1 Downy Woodpecker, 1 Pileated Woodpecker, 1 Olive-sided Flycatcher, 2 Eastern Wood-Pewee, 6 Great Crested Flycatcher, 30 Red-eyed Vireo, 2 Blue Jay, 0 American Crow, 3 Black-capped Chickadee, 2 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 1 White-breasted Nuthatch, 1 Swainson's Thrush, 4 American Robin, 6 European Starling, 6 Cedar Waxwing, 1 Northern Parula, 4 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 2 Magnolia Warbler, 3 Blackburnian Warbler, 2 Black -and-white Warbler, 3 American Redstart, 1 Canada Warbler, 1 Chipping Sparrow, 6 Northern Cardinal, 3 Indigo Bunting, 2 House Finch, 6 American Goldfinch, 2 House Sparrow

Kyra Emo
Nature Blog Network