Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Wednesday September 27th

Verdun, Lasalle Blvd. and rue Clemenceau: Red-necked grebe (grebe jougris)

Montreal, Summit Park: warblers – Orange-crowned, Nashville, Northern parula, Black-throated blue, yellow-rumped, Black-throated green, blackpoll, Wilson’s (parulines – verdâtres, à joues grises, à collier, bleue, à croupion jaune, à gorge noire, rayée, à calotte noire)
Mount Royal Cemetery: 10 Gray catbirds (Moqueurs chats), Brown thrasher (Moqueur roux), also many Eastern bluebirds (plusieurs Merlebleus de l’est), Gray-cheeked thrush (Grive à joues grises)

Pointe Yamachiche: Peregrine falcon (Faucon pèlerin), Merlin (Faucon émerillon), American kestrel (Crécerelle d'Amérique), American pipits (Pipits d'Amérique), 30 black-bellied plover (Pluvier argenté), 3 Lesser yellowlegs (Petit Chevalier), 20 Sanderlings (Bécasseau sanderling), 3 semipalmated Sandpiper (Bécasseau semipalmé), 1 Baird’s sandpiper (Bécasseau de Baird), 3 Pectoral sandpiper (Bécasseau à poitrine cendrée), 30 Dunlin (Bécasseau variable), 3 Bonaparte’s gulls (Mouette de Bonaparte)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Monday September 25th

Montreal, Parc de l'Île de la Visitation: White-throated sparrows (bruants à gorge blanche), Hermit and Swainson’s thrush (grives solitaire et la dos olive), Warblers – Black-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Nashville, Northern parula, Magnolia, Black-throated green American redstart (parulines bleue, à croupion jaune, à joues grises, à collier, à tête cendrée, à gorge noire, flamboyante), both Kinglets (Les deux roitelets), Blue-headed vireos (viréos à tête bleue), Black-crowned night heron (bihoreaux gris), Great blue heron (grand héron)
Jarry Park: Warblers – Black-throated green, Black and white, Blackpoll, Yellow-rumped (parulines à gorge noire, noir et blanc, parulines rayées, à croupion jaune), both Kinglets (Les deux roitelets), White-throated Sparrows (bruants à gorge blanche).

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Monday September 25th

Montreal, Parc de l'Île de la Visitation: White-throated sparrows (bruants à gorge blanche), Hermit and Swainson’s thrush (grives solitaire et la dos olive), Warblers – Black-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Nashville, Northern parula, Magnolia, Black-throated green American redstart (parulines bleue, à croupion jaune, à joues grises, à collier, à tête cendrée, à gorge noire, flamboyante), both Kinglets (Les deux roitelets), Blue-headed vireos (viréos à tête bleue), Black-crowned night heron (bihoreaux gris), Great blue heron (grand héron)
Jarry Park: Warblers – Black-throated green, Black and white, Blackpoll, Yellow-rumped (parulines à gorge noire, noir et blanc, parulines rayées, à croupion jaune), both Kinglets (Les deux roitelets), White-throated Sparrows (bruants à gorge blanche).

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Sunday September 24th

Montreal, Parc Mont Royal, near the intersection of Camillien-Houde and Mont Royal: 3 Swainson’s thrush (grives à dos olive), 1 Hermit thrush (grive solitaire), 1 gray-cheeked thrush (grive à joues grises)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Friday September 22nd

Grandby, 70 species (espèces) Centre de la nature du lac Boivin: Nelson’s sharp-tailed sparrow (bruant de Nelson), Lincoln’s and White-crowned sparrows (bruants de Lincoln et à couronne blanche), Ruby-crowned kinglets (roitelet à couronne rubis), Marsh wren (troglodyte des marais), Warblers - Nashville, Magnolia, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated green, Blackpoll, Ovenbird, Common yellow-throat, Wilson’s (parulines - à joues grises, à tête cendrée, à croupion jaune, à gorge noire, rayée, couronnée, masquée et à calotte noire), Rusty blackbird (quiscale rouilleux), Black-crowned night heron (bihoreau gris)
Parc de la Yamaska: Bald eagle (pygargue à tête blanche), Redhead, Ring-necked duck, Greater scaup (fuligules à tête rouge, à collier et milouinan), Bufflehead sem(petit garrot), Semipalmated plover (pluvier semipalmé)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Monday September 18th

Laval, Parc des Prairies: Warblers – Tennessee, Orange-crowned, Plackpoll, Yellow-rumped, Magnolia (Parulines - obscure, verdâtre, rayée, à croupion jaune, à tête cendrée), Both Kinglets (les deux Roitelets), Catbird (Moqueur chat), White-throated sparrow (Bruant à gorge blanche)
Mont-Pleasant Cemetary and area:et 50 Rusty blackbirds (Quiscales rouilleux), Indigo bunting (Passerin indigo), Warblers – Palm, Common yellow-throat, (Parulines à couronne rousse,masquée, à croupion jaune), 200 Red-winged blackbirds (Carouges à épaulettes), Sparrows – Song, Lincoln,Swamp, White-throat, White-crowned (Bruants - chanteur, de Lincoln, des marais, à gorge blanche, à couronne blanche), Northern harrier (Busard St-Martin), Phoebe (Moucherolle phébi)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bird Protection Quebec field trip to Hudson Sept. 16 2006

Seventeen birders enjoyed a late summer day of birding with temperatures in the20's. Fall was definitely in the air though, as some of trees in Hudson havebegun to change colour, and many migrating birds were among the 61 species seen.

The following is the complete list.

Great blue heron 4, Green heron 1, Canada goose 100, Wood duck 3, American blackduck 1, Mallard 40, Osprey 1, Northern harrier 1, Sharp-shinned hawk 2, Cooper'shawk 1, Northern goshawk 1, Red-shouldered hawk 1, Broad-winged hawk 2,Red-tailed hawk 1, American kestral 1, Killdeer 1, Ring-billed gull 50, Greatblack-backed gull 50, Rock pigeon 12, Mourning dove 8, Ruby-throated hummingbird2, Belted kingfisher 3, Yellow-bellied sapsucker 6, Downy woodpecker 8, Hairywoodpecker 7, Northern flicker 15, Eastern phoebe 1, Great-crested flycatcher 1,Eastern kingbird 1, Warbling vireo 1, Philadelphia vireo 1, Red-eyed vireo 3,Blue jay 60, American crow 100, Common raven 1, Black-capped chickadee 40,Red-breasted nuthatch 1, White-breasted nuthatch 5, Brown creeper 1, House wren1, Ruby-crowned kinglet 20, American robin 30, Gray catbird 9, European starling200, Cedar waxwing 30, Nashville warbler 3, Magnolia warbler 3, Myrtle warbler16, Black-and-white warbler 1, Common yellowthroat 6, Scarlet tanager 1,Chipping sparrow 6, Song sparrow 12, Swamp sparrow 3, White-throated sparrow 7,Northern cardinal 2, Rose-breasted grosbeak 6, Common grackle 1, Purple finch 1,American goldfinch 36, House sparrow 16

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Saturday September 16th

Montreal, Mont Royal Park: 2 Orange-crowned warblers (parulines verdâtres), Palm warbler (paruline à couronne rousse). Cape May warbler (paruline tigrée), Canada warbler (paruline du Canada), Philadelphia vireo (viréo de Philadelphie), Linclon’s sparrow (bruant de Lincoln), Swainson’s thrush (grive, à dos olive).

Pointe Yamachiche: 1 Solitary sandpiper (Chevalier solitaire), 6 Lesser yellowlegs (Petit Chevalier), 24 Greater yellowlegs (Grand Chevalier), 6 Spotted sandpiper (Chevalier grivelé), 3 Baird’s Sandpiper (Bécasseau de Baird), 1 American golden plover (Pluvier bronze), 21 Sanderling (Bécasseau sanderling), 4 Dunlin (Bécasseau variable), 2 Least sandpiper (Bécasseau minuscule), 10 Black-bellied plover (Pluvier argenté), 2 Semipalmated plover (Pluvier semipalmé), Killdeer (Pluvier Kildir), 2 Greater white-fronteed goose (2 oies rieuses), 12 Common loon (Plongeon huard), 3 Common goldeneye (Garrot à œil d’or), 1 Eastern wood peewee (Pioui de l’Est), 24 American pipit (Pipit American), peregrine falcon (faucon pèlerin), Merlin (faucon émérillon), Red-shouldered hawk (buse à epaulettes), 26 Pied-bill grebes (grèbes à bec bigarrés), 3 Common moorhens (galinules poule-d'eau), American bittern (butor d'Amérique), 1 green heron (héron vert), American wigeon (canard d'Amérique), gadwall (canard chapeau), Hooded merganser (harle coronné), Warbling vireo (viréo mélodieux), 2 Purple finch (roselins pourprés), 2 Common yellow-throat (parulines masques), 1 Pileated woodpecker (grand pic)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Wednesday September 13th

Granby, lac Boivin 50 species including 11 species of warblers - Nashville, chestnutsided, Magnolia, Black-throated green, Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-and white, American redstart and Common yellow-throat (11 espèces de parulines: à joues grises, à flancs marron, à tête cendrée, à croupion jaune, à gorge noire, à gorge orangée, à poitrine baie, rayée, noir et blanc, flamboyante et masquée). Lincoln and white-crowned sparrows (bruants de Lincoln, à couronne blanche)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Tuesday September 12th

Pointe Yamachiche: Solitary sandpiper (Chevalier solitaire), Lesser yellowlegs (Petit Chevalier), Greater yellowlegs (Grand Chevalier), Spotted sandpiper (Chevalier grivelé), Baird’s Sandpiper (Bécasseau de Baird), Sanderling (Bécasseau sanderling), Dunlin (Bécasseau variable), White-rumped sandpiper (Bécasseau à croupion blanc), Least sandpiper (Bécasseau minuscule), Black-bellied plover (Pluvier argenté), Semipalmated plover (Pluvier semipalmé), Greater white-fronteed goose (OIE À FRONT BLANC), Common loon (Plongeon huard), Common goldeneye (Garrot à œil d’or), Eastern wood peewee (Pioui de l’Est), American pipit (Pipit d’Amérique), Belted kingfisher (Martin–pêcheur d’Amérique), Northern harrier (Busard St-Martin), Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche), Sharp-shinned hawk (Épervier brun)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Sunday September 10th

Ile Bizard: Least bittern (Petit blongios), Red-shouldered hawk (Buse à épaulette), Northern harrier (Buzard Saint Martin), Merlin (Faucon émerillion), Kingfisher (Martin pêcheur), Green heron (Héron vert), Moorhen (Gallinule poule d'eau), Pied-bill grebe (Grèbe à bec bigarrée)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Saturday September 9th

Pointe Yamachiche: Snowy egret L(Aigrette neigeuse), Lesser yellowlegs (Petit chevalier), spotted sandpiper (Chevalier grivelé), Solitary sandpiper (Chevalier solitaire), Semipalmated sandpiper (Pluvier semipalmé), Black-bellied plover (Pluvier argenté), Baird’s sandpiper (Bécasseau de Baird), White-rumped sandpiper (Bécasseau à croupion blanc), Dunlin (Bécasseau variable), Semipalmated sandpiper (Bécasseau semipalmé), Least sandpiper (Bécasseau minuscule), Bonaparte’s gull (Mouette de Bonaparte), Merlin (Faucon émerillon), Common loon (Plongeon huard)

Montreal, Mont Royal cemetery: near the firemans monument a Blue-gray gnatcatcher (Gobemoucheron gris-bleu), chipping sparrows (Bruants familiers), 12 Eastern bluebirds (Merlebleu de l'Est), also seen were some Warbler, Vireos and flycatchers (parulines et viréos, et des moucherolles)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Wednesday September 6th

Pointe Yamachiche: 20 species of shorebirds, 1 Hudsonian godwit (Barge hudsonienne), 1 Whimbrel (Courlis corlieu), XX Greater yellowlegs (Grand chevalier), XX Lesser yellowlegs (Petit chevalier), X Spotted sandpiper (Chevalier grivelé), 1 Solitary sandpiper (Chevalier solitaire), XXX Semipalmated sandpiper (Pluvier semipalmé), 7 Black-bellied plover (Pluvier argenté), 1 American golden plover (Pluvier bronze), 3 Killdeer (Pluvier Kildir), 1 Wilson’s snipe (Becassine de Wilson), 1 Ruddy turnstone (Tournepierre à collier), 8 Pectoral sandpiper (Bécasseau à poitrine cendrée), 1X Baird’s sandpiper (Bécasseau de Baird), White-rumped sandpiper (Bécasseau à croupion blanc), 2 Dunlin (Bécasseau variable), 6 Sanderling (Bécasseau Sanderling), XXX semipalmated sandpiper (Bécasseau semipalmé), XX Least sandpiper (Bécasseau minuscule), Short-billed dowitcher (Bécassin roux)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Saturday September 2nd

rue Higgins: 3 Carolina wrens (Troglodytes de Caroline), 11 warblers species, blackpolls very abundant (11 espèces de parulines, Parulines rayées très abondantes)
Île Saint-Bernard: Eastern screech owl (Petit-duc maculé)

Maplegrove: 10 Caspian terns (Sternes caspiennes) Beauharnois dam: 10 Black terns (Guifettes noires)

Saint-Timothée marsh: Least bittern (Petit Blongios), Northern rough-winged swallow (Hirondelles à ailes hérissées)

Sainte-Martine: 150 Lesser yellowlegs (Petits Chevaliers), 4 Semipalmated plovers (Pluviers semipalmés), 3 Pectoral sandpiper (Bécasseaux à poitrines cendrée), Northern waterthrush (Paruline des ruisseaux)

Mercier, sewage ponds (Étangs de sédimentation): 2 Red-necked phalaropes (Phalaropes à bec étroit)

Pointe Yamachiche: Snowy egret (Aigrette neigeuse), Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche), Merlin (Faucon émerillon), American golden plover (Pluvier bronzes), Solitary sandpiper (Chevalier solitaire), Baird’s sandpiper (Bécasseau de Baird), Buff-breasted sandpiper (BÉCASSEAU ROUSSÂTRE), Red knot (BÉCASSEAU MAUBÈCHE), Sanderlings (Bécasseau Sanderling), Black bellied plover (Pluvier argenté)
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