Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sightings for Sunday December 20th

Dundee, Réserve nationale de faune du Lac St-François: Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche) - M-F Guérin - click photo to enlarge

St Lambert, near the corner of Merton and Logan streets: Great Horned Owl (Grand duc) sitting well out in the open about 40 feet up in a maple. Was there for at least four hours and somehow endured a constant mobbing by crows, blue jays, and a couple of Hairy woodpeckers - Mark Tomalty

Kahnawake: In the middle of a field beside hwy 30 1 Wild turkey (Dindon sauvage) - T. Long, S. Veysey
Lachenaie, rue Charles-Aubert: Barred owl beside a stream
1 Chouette rayée sur le bord d'un ruisseau
chemin de la cabane Ronde: Northern saw-whet owl hidden in a bush beside the stream
1 Petite Nyctale tout juste avant les premières maisons, cachées dans un arbuste sur le bord du ruisseau
at the end of rue St-Denis: Shorth-earred owl
1 Hibou des marais
au bout de la rue St-Denis

Repentigny, rue des Gouverneurs: 1 Eastern screech owl (Petit-duc maculé) - Stéphane Guimond, Yvon Roy, Samuel Denault

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