Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sightings for Thursday August 27th

Montréal, Parc Nature de l'Île de la Visitation: Again this morning (37 species) including - 1 Osprey, 2 Merlin, 3 Flycatcher (sp), 2 Baltimore oriole, Warblers - 1 Black-throated green, 1 Black-throated blue, 1 Black & white, 4 American redstart, 1 Mourning
Encore ce matin (6h30-9h30), parc nature de l'ile de la Visitation, un totale de 37 espèces: Balbuzard pêcheur, faucon émerillon(2), Moucherolle SP/Emp.(3), Oriole de Baltimore(2), Paruline a gorge noire(1),noir et blanc(2),flamboyante(4), triste(1) - Joël Coutu

Mount Royal Cemetery: This morning the hot spot was just to the left of the entrance from top of the mountain, including three warblers: Yellow-bellied sapsucker (Pic maculé) 1 juvenile & 1 adult male, pretty tame, Downy woodpecker (Pic mineur) 1 male, 1 female, Hairy woodpecker (Pic chevelu) heard, Northern flicker (Pic Flaboyant), Red-breasted nuthatch (Sittelle à poitrine rousse) female or juvenile (little color on underparts), Great crested flycatcher (Tyran huppé) heard, Red-eyed vireo (Viréo aux yeux rouges) several families, adults feeding fledged young, very active and noisy, American crow (Corneille d'Amérique) several, Black-capped chickadee (Mésange à tête noire) lots, American robin (Merle d'Amérique) adult and young
Chestnut-sided warbler (Paruline à flancs marron) first winter female, bright yellow-green above with yellowish wing bars, Canada warbler (Paruline du Canada) first year or adult female, light necklace and bright eye-ring, American redstart (Paruline flamboyante) adult male. These three warblers were hanging out together. I saw them several times in different trees at edge of the field. Northern cardinal (Cardinal rouge) female, Chipping sparrow (Bruant familier) more than 20 individuals, most juvenile, lots with streaked underparts; a few chestnut-capped adults.
No raptors seen, but they could have had a feast! - Nick Acheson

Mercier, Water treat ponds: (Red-necked phalarope) and many Northern shovelers
étang d'épuration de Mercier il y avait un Phalarope à bec étroit. Il y avait plusieurs canards souchet.

Ste-Martine: Killdeer, Semipalmated plover, Least sandpiper, Semipalmated sandpiper, 1 BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER, Lesser & Greater yellowlegs, spotted sandpiper
pluvier kildir, semipalmé, bécasseaux minuscule et semipalmé, un PLUVIER ARGENTÉ. Petit et grand chevalier et un chevalier grivelé - Charles Ménard

Pointe des Cascades: Very early this morning started calm and cold, but was finally able to identify 9 species of Warblers - Nashville, Yellow, Magnolia, Black-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Black & white, Northern waterthrush, Common yellowthroat, Wilson's. Also 5 Caspian terns, 1 American bittern, Green Herons, 1 Yellow-bellied flycatcher, 7 Turkey vultures migrating together etc. 52 species
Très tôt ce matin. Au début, c'était très calme et froid, mais j'ai pu finalement repérer 9 espèces de parulines: Paruline à joues grises, Paruline jaune, Paruline à tête cendrée, Paruline bleue, Paruline à croupion jaune, Paruline noir et blanc, Paruline des ruisseaux (photographiée), Paruline masquée, et Paruline à calotte noire. Aussi 5 Sternes caspiennes, un Butor d'Amérique, quelques Hérons verts, un Moucherolle à ventre jaune, 7 Urubus à tête rouge migrant ensemble, etc. Total: 52 espèces. - Pierre Bannon - click photo to enlarge

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