Monday, June 04, 2018

Sighting for May 9th

Mid-morning - male Snowy Owl sitting on Odax sign, near apartments. N side of chemin Saint-Charles (344) in Terrebonne (opposite Ruisseau de Feu Ducks Unlimited reserve).

Milieu de matinée - Harfang des neiges assis sur un panneau Odax, près des appartements. N côté de chemin Saint-Charles (344) à Terrebonne (en face de la réserve de Ruisseau de Feu de Canards Illimités). - Nathan Gricks

Sightings for May 9th

Had a total of 9 Turkey Vultures on my barn in Les Cedres this AM.  Poor quality iPad photo, sorry about that.

Normally see 2 or 3, so I was surprised to watch a total of 9 take off. Ann peters

Sightings for April 13

Friday 13th, 2018 flocks at Baie du Febvre

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