The weather was nice, tough hot and humid. We visited Chemin Demers, Montée Jamieson and finished on Chemin Gowan.
Many birds were singing, but the heat kept them low and as leaves are out, it was not always easy to get good views of all of them. And a number of birds were only heard.
However, we got amazing views of the star of the day: the Grasshoper Sparrow on Montée Jamieson, and almost everyone managed to see the Brewster's Warbler that we found on Chemin Gowan. These were obviously the birds of the day.
Below is the list of the 77 species (and 1 hybrid) seen or heard during the morning. - Frédéric Hareau
Canada Goose 7. Mallard 1, Ruffed Grouse 2, Great Blue Heron 2, Turkey Vulture 2, Bald Eagle 1, Broad-winged Hawk 1, Killdeer 4, Ring-billed Gull 12, Rock Pigeon 8, Mourning Dove 5, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Downy Woodpecker 1, Hairy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 2, Pileated Woodpecker 2, American Kestrel 1, Eastern Wood-Pewee 1, Alder Flycatcher 10, Least Flycatcher 3, Eastern Phoebe 2, Great Crested Flycatcher 6, Eastern Kingbird 6, Warbling Vireo 6, Red-eyed Vireo 5, Blue Jay 5, American Crow 6, Common Raven 2, Tree Swallow 10, Barn Swallow 3, Black-capped Chickadee 3, White-breasted Nuthatch 1, House Wren 2, Winter Wren 1, Veery 4, Hermit Thrush 3, Wood Thrush 1, American Robin 10, Gray Catbird 5, European Starling 10, Cedar Waxwing 2, Ovenbird 8, Northern Waterthrush 2, Brewster's Warbler (hybrid) 1, Black-and-white Warbler 3, Tennessee Warbler 2, Nashville Warbler 2, Mourning Warbler 1, Common Yellowthroat 7, American Redstart 6, Magnolia Warbler 1, Yellow Warbler 14, Chestnut-sided Warbler 6, Blackpoll Warbler 2, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1, Pine Warbler 2, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 4, Black-throated Green Warbler 3, Grasshopper Sparrow 1
Chipping Sparrow 6, Field Sparrow 2, White-throated Sparrow 8, Savannah Sparrow 3, Swamp Sparrow 6, Eastern Towhee 1, Scarlet Tanager 3, Northern Cardinal 1, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3, Indigo Bunting 3, Bobolink 3, Red-winged Blackbird 14, Eastern Meadowlark 2, Common Grackle 12, Brown-headed Cowbird 5, Baltimore Oriole 4, House Finch 1, American Goldfinch 12, House Sparrow 4
Bernache du Canada 7, Canard colvert 1, Gélinotte huppée 2, Grand héron 2, Urubu à tête rouge 2, Pygargue à tête blanche 1, Petite Buse 1, Pluvier kildir 4, Goéland à bec cerclé 12, Pigeon biset 8, Tourterelle triste 5, Pic maculé 1, Pic mineur 1, Pic chevelu 1, Pic flaboyant 2, Grand pic 2, Crécerelle d'Amérique 1, Pioui de l'Est 1, Moucherolle des aulnes 10, Moucherolle tchébec 3, Moucherolle phébi 2, Tyran huppé 6, Tyran tritri 6, Viréo mélodieux 6, Viréo aux yeux rouges 5, Geai Bleu 5, Corneille d'Amérique 6, Grand Corbeau 2, Hirondelle bicolore 10, Hirondelle rustique 3, Mésange à tête noire 3, Sittelle à poitrine blanche 1, Troglodyte familier 2, Troglodyte des foret 1, Grive fauve 4, Grive solitaire 3, Grive des bois 1, Merle d'Amérique 10, Moqueur chat 5, Étourneau sansonnet 10, Jaseur d'Amérique 2, Paruline couronnée 8, Paruline des ruisseaux 2, Paruline de Brewster (Hybride) 1, Paruline noir et blanc 3, Paruline obscure 2, Paruline à joues grises 2, Paruline triste 1, Paruline masquée 7, Paruline flamboyante 6, Paruline à tête cendrée 1, Paruline jaune 14, Paruline à flancs marron 6, Paruline rayée 2, Paruline bleue 1, Paruline des pins 2, Paruline à croupion jaune 4, Paruline à gorge noire 3, Bruant sauterelle 1 Bruant familier 6, Bruant des champs 2, Bruant à gorge blanche 8, Bruant des prés 3, Bruant des marais 6, Tohi à flancs roux 1, Tangara écarlate 3, Cardinal rouge 1, Cardinal à poitrine rose 3, Passerin indigo Bunting 3, Goglu des prés 3, Carouge à épaulettes 14, Sturnelle des prés 2, Quiscale bronzé 12, Vacher à tête brune 5, Oriole de Baltimore 4, Roselin familier 1, Chardonneret jaune 12, Moineau domestique 4