Saturday, May 28, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip Report" Sunday May 28

24 birders made their way to Southern Quebec today, for the Fieldtrip.

The weather was nice, tough hot and humid. We visited Chemin Demers, Montée Jamieson and finished on Chemin Gowan.

Many birds were singing, but the heat kept them low and as leaves are out, it was not always easy to get good views of all of them. And a number of birds were only heard.

However, we got amazing views of the star of the day: the Grasshoper Sparrow on Montée Jamieson, and almost everyone managed to see the Brewster's Warbler that we found on Chemin Gowan. These were obviously the birds of the day.

Below is the list of the 77 species (and 1 hybrid) seen or heard during the morning. - Frédéric Hareau

Canada Goose 7. Mallard 1, Ruffed Grouse 2, Great Blue Heron 2, Turkey Vulture 2, Bald Eagle 1, Broad-winged Hawk 1, Killdeer 4, Ring-billed Gull 12, Rock Pigeon 8, Mourning Dove 5, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Downy Woodpecker 1, Hairy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 2, Pileated Woodpecker 2, American Kestrel 1, Eastern Wood-Pewee 1, Alder Flycatcher 10, Least Flycatcher 3, Eastern Phoebe 2, Great Crested Flycatcher 6, Eastern Kingbird 6, Warbling Vireo 6, Red-eyed Vireo 5, Blue Jay 5, American Crow 6, Common Raven 2, Tree Swallow 10, Barn Swallow 3, Black-capped Chickadee 3, White-breasted Nuthatch 1, House Wren 2, Winter Wren 1, Veery 4, Hermit Thrush 3, Wood Thrush 1, American Robin 10, Gray Catbird 5, European Starling 10, Cedar Waxwing 2, Ovenbird 8, Northern Waterthrush 2, Brewster's Warbler (hybrid) 1, Black-and-white Warbler 3, Tennessee Warbler 2, Nashville Warbler 2, Mourning Warbler 1, Common Yellowthroat 7, American Redstart 6, Magnolia Warbler 1, Yellow Warbler 14, Chestnut-sided Warbler 6, Blackpoll Warbler 2, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1, Pine Warbler 2, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 4, Black-throated Green Warbler 3, Grasshopper Sparrow 1
Chipping Sparrow 6, Field Sparrow 2, White-throated Sparrow 8, Savannah Sparrow 3, Swamp Sparrow 6, Eastern Towhee 1, Scarlet Tanager 3, Northern Cardinal 1, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3, Indigo Bunting 3, Bobolink 3, Red-winged Blackbird 14, Eastern Meadowlark 2, Common Grackle 12, Brown-headed Cowbird 5, Baltimore Oriole 4, House Finch 1, American Goldfinch 12, House Sparrow 4

Bernache du Canada 7, Canard colvert 1, Gélinotte huppée 2, Grand héron 2, Urubu à tête rouge 2, Pygargue à tête blanche 1, Petite Buse 1, Pluvier kildir 4, Goéland à bec cerclé 12, Pigeon biset 8, Tourterelle triste 5, Pic maculé 1, Pic mineur 1, Pic chevelu 1, Pic flaboyant 2, Grand pic 2, Crécerelle d'Amérique 1, Pioui de l'Est 1, Moucherolle des aulnes 10, Moucherolle tchébec 3, Moucherolle phébi 2, Tyran huppé 6, Tyran tritri 6, Viréo mélodieux 6, Viréo aux yeux rouges 5, Geai Bleu 5, Corneille d'Amérique 6, Grand Corbeau 2, Hirondelle bicolore 10, Hirondelle rustique 3, Mésange à tête noire 3, Sittelle à poitrine blanche 1, Troglodyte familier 2, Troglodyte des foret 1, Grive fauve 4, Grive solitaire 3, Grive des bois 1, Merle d'Amérique 10, Moqueur chat 5, Étourneau sansonnet 10, Jaseur d'Amérique 2, Paruline couronnée 8, Paruline des ruisseaux 2, Paruline de Brewster (Hybride) 1, Paruline noir et blanc 3, Paruline obscure 2, Paruline à joues grises 2, Paruline triste 1, Paruline masquée 7, Paruline flamboyante 6, Paruline à tête cendrée 1, Paruline jaune 14, Paruline à flancs marron 6, Paruline rayée 2, Paruline bleue 1, Paruline des pins 2, Paruline à croupion jaune 4, Paruline à gorge noire 3, Bruant sauterelle 1 Bruant familier 6, Bruant des champs 2, Bruant à gorge blanche 8, Bruant des prés 3, Bruant des marais 6, Tohi à flancs roux 1, Tangara écarlate 3, Cardinal rouge 1, Cardinal à poitrine rose 3, Passerin indigo Bunting 3, Goglu des prés 3, Carouge à épaulettes 14, Sturnelle des prés 2, Quiscale bronzé 12, Vacher à tête brune 5, Oriole de Baltimore 4, Roselin familier 1, Chardonneret jaune 12, Moineau domestique 4

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip" Saturday May 28

Saturday, May 28 – samedi 28 mai
Please note early start of the trip – veuillez noter l’heure du début de la sortie
Pin Rigide – Franklin Area
Guide: Frédéric Hareau e-mail 514-805-8491 (cell phone on the day of the trip only)
map/carte (Meeting spot)

7:00 a.m. Meet in Ormstown, at Petro Canada gas station-Tim Hortons, crossroads of Hwy 201 and Hwy 138. From Montreal take the Mercier Bridge and follow Hwy 138 to Ormstown. From the West Island take Hwy 40 -20 west then take highway 30 (toll). Take 530 toward Salaberry de Valleyfield. Take exit 9 from 530. Turn left onto Boulevard Pie-XII. Continue onto Pont St. and onto Rang du 40. Turn right on 138 west, following signs for Ormstown. Turn left on Hwy 201 in Ormstown. Petro Canada Station is located a few hundred meters on the right. This trip will explore some back roads in southern Quebec in the Pin Rigide Reserve– Franklin areas. Looking for birds of the forests, open country, and wetlands, Possible species include specialty birds from southern Quebec, including Field Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Black-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-throated vireo and more passerines. Half day.

7h00. Rassemblement à Ormstown, à la station Pétro Canada – Tim Hortons au croisement des routes 201 et 138. De Montréal, prendre le pont Mercier. Tourner à gauche sur la route 138 jusqu’à Ormstown. De l’Ouest-de-l’Île de Montréal, prendre l’autoroute 40-20 direction ouest puis l’autoroute 30 (péage). Prendre l’autoroute 530 en direction de Salaberry de Valleyfield. Prendre la sortie 9, puis tourner à gauche sur la route Pie XII. Continuer sur la Route du Pont puis sur le Rang du 40. Tournez à droite sur la route 138 et suivez les directions vers Ormstown. A Ormstown, prendre la route 201 vers le sud, sur quelques centaines de mètres jusqu’à la station Pétro Canada. Cette excursion permettra d’explorer certaines routes secondaires du Sud du Québec, dans la région de la réserve de Pin rigide et de Franklin. À la recherche d’oiseaux typiques du sud du Québec dans les habitats forestiers, espaces ouverts et zones humides. Parmi les espèces susceptibles d’être rencontrées, notons le Bruant des champs, le Coulicou à bec noir, le Tohi à flancs roux, et le Viréo à Gorge jaune ainsi que d’autres passereaux plus communs. Demi-journée.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip Report" Sunday May 21

ChâteauguayRefuge Faunique Marguerite-D’Youville, Île Saint-Bernard, temp 13 – 23C sunny with little wind, 29 participants 71 species of birds.  Some people were separated from the group and managed to walk the Grand digue also.  It was decided that the bird of the day was the 2 Canada warblers which many of us were able to see. Thanks to everyone for an enjoyable day! - Tom Long

Canada Goose 20, Gadwall 2, Mallard 7, Common Merganser 3, Red-breasted Merganser 7, Common Loon 1, Pied-billed Grebe 4, Double-crested Cormorant 35, Great Blue Heron 2, Great Egret 2, Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, Broad-winged Hawk 1, Common Gallinule 2, Spotted Sandpiper 5, Bonaparte's Gull 2, Ring-billed Gull 22, Common Tern 10, Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 2, Chimney Swift 2, Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1, Red-bellied Woodpecker 1, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Downy Woodpecker 7, Hairy Woodpecker 4, Northern Flicker 4, Pileated Woodpecker 1, Eastern Wood-Pewee 4, Least Flycatcher 1, Great Crested Flycatcher 3, Eastern Kingbird 2, Warbling Vireo 6, Red-eyed Vireo 1, Blue Jay 3, American Crow 3, Tree Swallow 50, Cliff Swallow 14, Black-capped Chickadee 23, Tufted Titmouse 4, White-breasted Nuthatch 6, Brown Creeper 2, House Wren 4, Marsh Wren 2, Veery 3, Swainson's Thrush 1, American Robin 30, Gray Catbird 10, Brown Thrasher 2, European Starling 6, Cedar Waxwing 10, Tennessee Warbler 1, Nashville Warbler 1, Common Yellowthroat 4, American Redstart 12, Northern Parula 2, Magnolia Warbler 1, Bay-breasted Warbler 1, Yellow Warbler 60, Blackpoll Warbler 2, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 12, Black-throated Green Warbler 1, Canada Warbler 2, Song Sparrow 20, Swamp Sparrow 5, Scarlet Tanager 3, Northern Cardinal 2, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 9, Red-winged Blackbird 40, Common Grackle 8, Brown-headed Cowbird 4, Baltimore Oriole 22

Bernache du Canada 20, Canard chipeau 2, Canard colvert 7, Grand harle 3, Harle huppé 7, Plongeon huard 1, Grèbe à bec bigarré 4, Cormoran à aigrettes 35, Gand héron 2, Grande aigrette 2, Épervier brun 1 , Petite Buse 1, Gallinule à poule-d'eau 2, Chevalier grivelé 5, Mouette de Bonaparte 2, Goéland à bec cerclé 22, Sterne pierregarin 10, Pigeon biset 2, Martinet ramoneur 2, Colibri à gorge rubis 1, Pic à ventre rouge 1, Pic maculé 1, Pic mineur 7, Pic chevelu 4, Pic flaboyant 4, Grand Pic 1, Pioui de l'Est 4, Moucherolle tchébec 1, Tyran huppé 3, Tyran de l'Est 2, Viréo mélodieux 6, Viréo aux aux yeux rouge 1, Geai bleu 3, Corneille d'Amérique 3, Hirondelle bicolore 50, Hirondelle à front blanc 14, Mésange à tête noire 23, Mésange bicolore 4, Sittelle à poitrine blanche 6, Grimpereau brun 2, Troglodyte familier 4, Troglodyte des marais 2, Grive fauve 3, Grive à dos olive 1, Merle d'Amérique 30, Moqueur chat 10, Moqueur roux 2, Étourneau sasonnet 6, Jaseur d'Amérique 10, Paruline obscure 1, Paruline à joues grises1, Paruline masquée 4, Paruline flaboyante12 , Paruline à collier 2, Paruline à tête cendrée 1, Paruline à poitrine baie 1, Paruline jaune 60, Paruline rayée 2, Paruline bleue 1, Paruline à croupion jaune 12, Paruline à gorge noire, Paruline du Canada 2, Bruant chanteur 20 , Bruant des marais 5, Tangara écarlate 3, Cardinal rouge 2, Cardinal à poitrine rose 9, Carouge à épaulettes 40, Quiscale bronzé 8, Vacher à tête brune 4, Oriole de Baltimore 22

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip" Saturday May 21

Saturday, May 21 – samedi 21 mai
Châteauguay - Refuge Faunique Marguerite-D’Youville, Île Saint-Bernard
Guide: Tom Long 450-692-1590 e-mail

7:30 a.m. Meet at the welcome centre of the Refuge Faunique Marguerite D’Youville on Île St-Bernard, Châteauguay. From Montreal, take Highway 138 and cross the Mercier Bridge. Stay right coming off the bridge and take Highway 138 through Kahnawake into Châteauguay. As you enter Châteauguay, turn right onto Boul. St-Francis. Follow St. Francis all the way to the end where it meets the Châteauguay River at Boulevard Salaberry Nord. Turn right onto Salaberry Nord. Continue past the railway bridge. The next bridge that crosses the road and river is Pont de la Sauvagine. Turn right just after the bridge. There will be a sign and an entrance ramp for the bridge for Beauharnois and Refuge Faunique Marquerite d’Youville. Cross the bridge and continue to Notre-Dame Nord. At the flashing red light turn right onto Notre-Dame and follow the signs to Refuge Faunique Marguerite D’Youville. Cross the small bridge onto Île St-Bernard. The parking area is to the right. Walking trip looking for waterbirds and late migrants. The grass paths are usually wet early in the morning so wear appropriate footwear. $3.00 admission fee. Half day.

7h30. Rassemblement à l’accueil du refuge, île Saint-Bernard, Châteauguay. De Montréal, prendre la route 138 et traverser le pont Mercier. A la sortie du pont, garder la droite et continuer sur la 138, passé Kahnawake, jusqu’à Châ- teauguay. A l’entrée de Châteauguay, tourner à droite sur le boul. St-Francis. Continuer sur celui-ci jusqu’à l’intersection avec le boul. Salaberry Nord, qui longe la rivière Châteauguay. Tourner à droite sur Salaberry nord, passer en- dessous du pont de la voie ferrée et continuer jusqu’à un deuxième pont : il s’agit du pont de la Sauvagine. Tourner à droite juste après avoir passer sous ce pont et accéder à une rampe d’accès au pont. Des indications pour le refuge y sont visibles. Traverser le pont et continuer jusqu’à la rue Notre- Dame Nord. Au feu rouge clignotant, tourner à droite sur Notre-Dame et suivre les indications pour le refuge. Traverser le petit pont qui mène à l’île Saint-Bernard. Le stationnement est à la droite. Excursion à pied, à la recherche d’oiseaux aquatiques, d’oiseaux nicheurs et de migrateurs. Consi- dérant que les sentiers gazonnés sont généralement humides le matin, il est conseillé de porter des chaussures adéquates. Frais d’entrée de 3.00$. Demi-journée.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sightings for Monday May 16

Boucherville, Parc de la Frayère - map/carte:  White-eyed Vireo, 1 Black-and-white Warbler, 6 American Redstart, 2 Magnolia Warbler, 21 Yellow Warbler, 3 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 1 Black-throated Blue Warbler, 10 Yellow-rumped Warbler, 1 Wilson's Warbler

Viréo aux yeux blancs, 1 Paruline Noir et blanc, 6 Paruline flamboyante, 2 Paruline à tête cendrée, 21 Paruline jaune, 3 Paruline à flancs marron, 1 Paruline bleue, 10 Paruline à croupion jaune, 1 Paruline à calotte noire - Yves Gauthier
Longueuil, Arboretum Stephen-Langevin - map/carte:White-eyed Vireo, 3 American Redstart, 14 Yellow Warbler, 3 Chestnut-sided Warbler, 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler, 1 Wilson's Warbler

Viréo aux yeux blancs, 3 Paruline flamboyante, 14 Paruline jaune, 3 Paruline à flancs marron, 3 Paruline à croupion jaune, 1 Paruline à calotte noire - Denis Tétreault

Eastern Phoebe nest - nid de Moucherolle phébi

Ormstown Quebec 16 mai 2016

Eastern Phoebe - Moucherolle phébi

Have built their nest under my goose neck horse trailer 5 eggs so far.

Ils ont construit leur nid sous ma remorque a chevaux 5 oeufs jusqu'à présent. - Sandra Auger

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip" Wednesday May 18

Wednesday, May 11 – mercredi 11 mai
Montréal, Parc-nature de l’île-de-la-Visitation
Guide: Joël Coutu 438-930-5092 e-mail
7 h 00 à 11 h 00 – 7 h 00 à 11 h 00

7:00 a.m. Meet at the park’s Welcome Centre at 2425, boul. Gouin Est Montréal. From Highway 40 (Metropolitan Blvd) take Papineau north to Henri Bourassa. Turn right (east) on Henri Bourassa and turn left on Rue de Lille. Turn right onto Gouin and left into the parking area. Parking: $9.00 or park on surrounding streets.

7 h 00 Rassemblement au Chalet d’accueil du parc-nature de l’Île-de-la-Visitation, 2425, boul. Gouin Est Montréal. De l’autoroute 40 (boul métropolitain) prendre la sortie Papineau nord jusqu’à Henri Bourassa. Tourner à droite (est) sur Henri Bourassa et tourner à gauche sur Rue de Lille. Tourner à droite sur Gouin jusqu’au stationnement du parc. Stationnement : 9,00$.

Wood Warbler Walks at Summit Woods

Westmount: Wood Warbler Walks at Summit Woods - Sorties ornithologiques au Boisé Sommet
Tuesday, 17, 24 and 31 at 7:00 a.m. Mardi le 17, 24 et 31 de mai à 7 h

Guide: Jane Cormack 514 578-8249 e-mail

Meet us at the Summit Circle Lookout. We are an informal group of BPQ members. All are welcome. It’s a perfect start to a spring day. To reach Summit Circle, head north on Côte-des-Neiges. Turn left onto The Boulevard. Proceed to Ch. Belvedere and turn right. Drive up the steep hill on Ch. Belvedere to Summit Circle.

Vous êtes invités à vous joindre aux marches printanières avec un groupe amical des membres du POQ. C’est une belle façon de commencer une journée de printemps. Pour se rendre au Summit Circle, se diriger vers le nord sur Côte-des-Neiges. Tourner à gauche sur le Boulevard. Poursuivre jusqu’au Ch. Belvédère et tourner à droite. Monter la côte abrupte sur le Ch. Belvédère jusqu’à Summit Circle.

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip Report" Sunday May15

Montréal, Parc-nature de l’île-de-la-Visitation

Sunday morning's BPQ field trip was cold & very windy but we still had some interesting moments and the morning wasn't as bad as predicted. A total of 12 brave people appeared this morning to see some of the birds species here at l'île de la Visitation. Historically the next 10 days in the park are the best to see many spring migrating species, but this morning was a very calm day, with windy & cold conditions.

Might be very interesting on this upcoming BPQ walk for warblers this Wednesday.

A total of 50 species were seen and heard (a few new species were observed by some members & myself (3) after most of the group left). This morning we enjoyed watching the female Canada Goose, wing covering her 7 goslings. Duck species were Wood, Mallard, Black, Wigeon & Hooded Merganser. The park's mascot & most likely the best place to see Night-crowned Herons on the island of Montreal, was at his usual spot. Our resident Eastern Screech-Owl, who seemed warm & comfortable in his tree cavity seemed unfazed by the group. Warbling Vireos, Yellow Warblers, seem the only species singing this morning with the strong winds (25km/h). A boreal species seem comfortable in this weather like Pine Siskins seen feeding in trees with local species. Only 7 species of warblers, which is low for this time of year in the park (15 species is more the norm, proving it's a late spring for certain species) was seen or heard. Yellow, Redstart, Black-throated, Yellow-rumped, Chestnut-sided (1st year male), Northern Parula & Nashville Warblers. A beautiful male & heavily marked femelle Baltimore Orioles were observed feeding low in the trees.
All the species and details plus more than 40 photos can be seen on the eBird list:

Canada Goose, Mallard, Wood Duck, American Wigeon, Hooded Merganser, Double-crested Cormorant, Black-Crowned Night-Heron, Cooper's Hawk, Spotted Sandpiper, Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Rock Dove, Eastern screech owl, Chimney Swift, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Eastern Phebe, Great-crested Flycatcher, Blue-headed Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Common Crow, Northern Raven, Tree Swallow, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Gray Catbird, European Starling, Nashville Warbler, American Redstart, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Song Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Baltimore Oriole, Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle, Brown-headed Cowbird, House Finch, Pine Siskin, American Goldfinch, House Sparrow

Bernache du Canada, Canard colvert, Canard branchu, Canard d'Amérique, Harle couronné, Cormoran à aigrettes, Bihoreau gris, Épervier de Cooper, Chevalier grivelé, Goéland à bec cerclé, Goéland argenté, Pigeon biset, Petit duc maculé, Martinet ramoneur, Pic chevelu, Pic mineur, Pic flaboyant, Moucherolle phébi , Tyran huppé, Viréo à tête bleue, Viréo mélodieux, Viréo aux yeux rouges, Corneille d'Amérique, Grand Corbeau, Hirondelle bicolore, Mésange à tête noire, Sittelle à poitrine blanche, Roitelet à couronne rubis, Merle d'Amérique, Moqueur chat, Étourneau sansonnet, Paruline à joues grises, Paruline flamboyante, Paruline jaune, Paruline à croupion jaune, Paruline à collier, Paruline bleue, Paruline à flancs marron, Bruant chanteur, Bruant à gorge blanche, Bruant familier, Cardinal rouge, Oriole de Baltimore, Carouge à épaulettes, Quiscale bronzé, Vacher à tête brune,Roselin familier, Tarin des pins, Chardonneret jaune, Moineau domestique

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip Report" Saturday May 14

An absolutely beautiful morning greeted us for our weekly Saturday bird walk. Weather was clear skies with a starting temperature of 15 degrees, little to no wind. We had 16 birders join us.

Sandy Montgomery led our walk through the George H. Montgomery Phillipsburg Sanctuary. We were so lucky to have Sandy to lead us for our walk as probably no one knows the property better than himself. We were led up the hill on a trail that is not one of the more used trails and at the top we were treated to a Barred Owl flying under the forest canopy. It stopped long enough in a tree for most of us to get good views of it through the trees. It’s black eyes were starring back at us trying to asses our threat. At the top part of the cliffs we were treated to a chorus of Wood Thrushes and Ovenbirds. The area was like an amphitheater with the rocks as a background and I found the sounds to be magical. The birds sounded like they were directly in front of us but we could never visually find them. The day was perfect for a walk in the woods. The leaves on the trees were not full so we were allowed good views of the birds calling. The bugs were not a problem. We were treated to seeing 8 deer walking through the woods. When we arrived at the old sugar shack we were met by another group of birders who Sandy seemed to know the leader a Mr. Papineau. He told Sandy that they had seen 3 Cerulean Warblers during their walk (we did not see or hear any). Mr. Papineau also informed us that they had spotted a Red-bellied Woodpecker nesting. The nest site is within sight of the sugar shack and we were shown the location. We were able to see the female Red-bellied Woodpecker stick her head out of the nesting cavity a couple of times. Our walk ended back at the car park where we did the species list but Sandy said he would also takes us down to where we could see some Bluebirds. Following a quick drive to the Phillipsburg cemetery we were able to see some Bluebirds at the nest boxes. A couple of us were able to watch an Osprey fishing over the marsh at the Sanctuary from the cemetery. The osprey was seen catching a fish and flying off in the direction of the bird feeders at the sanctuary. To note that as our walk started in the morning an Osprey was seen flying overhead carrying sticks, so they are probably nesting in the area.

It was decided that the bird of the day was the three Scarlet Tanagers that we were treated to good views of. The red of the male birds is stunning when seen against the green of the forest canopy. I did notice that after I had downloaded the pictures from the day, we actually had 4 Scarlet Tanagers. We had 3 Males that were clearly seen as well as a female that I had taken a photo of while trying to take a photo of a Red-eyed Vireo.

The day left me with the conclusion that this piece of land is the best forest that I have ever experienced. It is a wonderful experience to walk through this sanctuary and if you have not done so already, take the time to plan a trip down to the area. You will not be disappointed. - Mathias Mutzl

Canada Goose 6, Mallard 6, Double-crested Cormorant 5, Great Blue Heron 1, Turkey Vulture 3, Osprey 1, Red-shouldered Hawk 1, Broad-winged Hawk 2, Mourning Dove 2, Barred Owl 1, Belted Kingfisher 1, Red-bellied Woodpecker 1, Downy Woodpecker 12, Northern Flicker 1, Pileated Woodpecker 1, Eastern Wood-Pewee 1, Least Flycatcher 6, Eastern Phoebe 4, Warbling Vireo 1, Philadelphia Vireo 1, Red-eyed Vireo 1, Blue Jay 6, American Crow 3, Common Raven 2, Tree Swallow 1, Black-capped Chickadee 20, Tufted Titmouse 2, White-breasted Nuthatch 20, Winter Wren 3, Marsh Wren 3, Carolina Wren 1, Golden-crowned Kinglet 1, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3, Eastern Bluebird 2, Hermit Thrush 5, Wood Thrush 6, American Robin 10, Gray Catbird 2, Brown Thrasher 1, Ovenbird 6, Black-and-white Warbler 1, Common Yellowthroat 2, American Redstart 2, Yellow Warbler 6, Black-throated Green Warbler 1, Chipping Sparrow 2, White-throated Sparrow 1, Song Sparrow 2, Swamp Sparrow 2, Scarlet Tanager 3, Northern Cardinal 6, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 6, Red-winged Blackbird 5, Common Grackle 2, Brown-headed Cowbird 6, Baltimore Oriole 6, House Finch 2, American Goldfinch 10

Bernache du Canada 6, Canard colvert 6, Cormoran à aigrettes 5, Grand héron 1, Urubu à tête rouge 3, Balbuzard pêcheur 1, Buse à épaulettes 1, Petite Buse 2, Tourterelle triste 2, Chouette rayée 1, Martin pêcheur d'Amérique 1, Pic à ventre roux1, Pic mineur 12, Pic flaboyant 1, Grand Pic 1, Pioui de l'Est 1, Moucherolle tchébec 6, Moucherolle phébi 4, Viréo mélodieux 1, Viréo de Philadelphia 1, Viréo aux yeux rouges 1, Geai bleu 6, Corneille d'Amérique 3, Grand corbeau 2, Hirondelle bicolore 1, Mésange à tête noire 20, Mésange bicolore 2, Ssittelle à poitrine blanche 20, Troglodyte mignon 3, Troglodyte des marais 3, Troglodyte de Caroline 1, Roitelet à couronne dorée 1, Roitelet à couronne rubis 3, Merlebleu de l'est 2, Grive solitaire 5, Grive des bois 6, Merle d'Amérique 10, Moqueur chat 2, Moqueur roux 1, Parulines couronnée 6, Paruline noir et blanc 1, Paruline masquée 2, Paruline flamboyante 2, Paruline jaune 6, Paruline à gorge noire 1, Bruant familier 2, Bruant à gorge blanche 1, Bruant chanteur 2, Bruant des marais 2, Tangara écarlate 3, Cardinal rouge 6, Cardinal à poitrine rose 6, Carouge à épaulettes 5, Quiscale bronzé 2, Vacher à tête brune 6, Oriole de Baltimore 6, Roselin familier 2, Chardonneret jaune 10

Friday, May 13, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip" Sunday May 15

Sunday, May 15 – dimanche 15 mai
Montréal, Parc-nature de l’île-de-la-Visitation
Guide: Joël Coutu 438-930-5092  e-mail 
7 h 00 à 11 h 00 – 7 h 00 à 11 h 00

7:00 a.m. Meet at the park’s Welcome Centre at 2425, boul. Gouin Est Montréal. From Highway 40 (Metropolitan Blvd) take Papineau north to Henri Bourassa. Turn right (east) on Henri Bourassa and turn left on Rue de Lille. Turn right onto Gouin and left into the parking area. Parking: $9.00 or park on surrounding streets. 
7 h 00 Rassemblement au Chalet d’accueil du parc-nature de l’Île-de-la-Visitation, 2425, boul. Gouin Est Montréal. De l’autoroute 40 (boul métropolitain) prendre la sortie Papineau nord  jusqu’à Henri Bourassa. Tourner à droite (est) sur Henri Bourassa et tourner à gauche sur Rue de Lille. Tourner à  droite sur Gouin jusqu’au stationnement du parc. Stationnement : 9,00$.

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip" Saturday May 14

Saturday, May 14 – samedi 14 mai
George H. Montgomery Bird Sanctuary, Philipsburg
map/carte (Sanctuary)
map/carte (Location)
Guide: Sandy Montgomery 514-212-6208 e-mail

8:00 a.m. Meet in the parking lot of the former Motel Frontière. From Montreal take the Champlain Bridge, Highway 10 east to exit 22, Highway 35 south to St. Jean to join Highway 133 south to Philipsburg. Now that the motel has been demolished the location is not easy to see from the southbound side of the road so continue towards the border crossing. Immediately before the border buildings take the well- marked U-turn on the left to cross over to the northbound side of the road. Look on your right for the large white sign telling drivers to fasten their seat belts – the entrance to the old motel site and the parking area is immediately beyond it. Note that there are two gravelled entrances – do NOT take the first, it is washed out and impassable; the second entry is excellent. Good choice of trails from long and strenuous to short and easy. Looking for migrating passerines, waterfowl and hawks. Half day.

8h00. Rassemblement au stationnement d’ancien Motel Frontière. De Montréal, traverser le pont Champlain et continuer sur l’autoroute 10 est. Prendre la sortie 22 et rejoindre l’autoroute 35 sud. Continuer sur celle-ci jusqu’à Saint-Jean. De là continuer sur l’autoroute 133 sud en direction de Philipsburg. Maintenant que le motel a été démoli le stationnement est difficile à voir du côté sud de la route. Donc, continuer vers le poste frontalier . Juste avant les bâtiments des douanes, prendre le bien-marqué demi-tour sur la gauche pour passer sur le côté nord de la route. Chercher le grand panneau blanc indiquant aux conducteurs de boucler leur ceinture de sécurité sur votre droite – l’entrée sur le site du vieux motel et le stationnement est immédiatement au-delà. Bonne variété de sentiers dont les niveaux de difficulté vont de longs et ardus à courts et faciles. Espèces recherchées : passereaux en migration, sauvagine et rapaces diurnes. Demi-journée.

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Wednesday, May 11 – mercredi 11 mai

Wednesday, May 11 – mercredi 11 mai
Montréal, Parc-nature de l’île-de-la-Visitation
Guide: Joël Coutu 438-930-5092  e-mail 
7 h 00 à 11 h 00 – 7 h 00 à 11 h 00

7:00 a.m. Meet at the park’s Welcome Centre at 2425, boul. Gouin Est Montréal. From Highway 40 (Metropolitan Blvd) take Papineau north to Henri Bourassa. Turn right (east) on Henri Bourassa and turn left on Rue de Lille. Turn right onto Gouin and left into the parking area. Parking: $9.00 or park on surrounding streets. 
7 h 00 Rassemblement au Chalet d’accueil du parc-nature de l’Île-de-la-Visitation, 2425, boul. Gouin Est Montréal. De l’autoroute 40 (boul métropolitain) prendre la sortie Papineau nord  jusqu’à Henri Bourassa. Tourner à droite (est) sur Henri Bourassa et tourner à gauche sur Rue de Lille. Tourner à  droite sur Gouin jusqu’au stationnement du parc. Stationnement : 9,00$.

Evening Trip

Tuesday, May 10 – mardi 10 mai Evening Trip Parc-nature du Bois-de-l’Île-Bizard
Guides: Barbara MacDuff 514-457-2222  e-mail
Gay McDougall 514-691-0658  e-mail

6:00 p.m. Hwy 40; exit St. Jean Blvd north to Gouin Blvd; left (west) on Gouin to Jacques Bizard Blvd; right (north) on Jacques Bizard Blvd, over bridge to Blvd Chevremont; left (west) on Chevremont to Montée de l’Église; right (north) on de l’Église to Ch. Bord-du-Lac; right (east) on Bord-du-Lac to park entrance, approx. 1 km. Parking: $9.00.

18h00. De l’autoroute 40, prendre la sortie pour le boul. St-Jean nord et continuer sur celui-ci jusqu’au boul. Gouin. Tourner à gauche (ouest) sur Gouin et continuer jusqu’au boul. Jacques-Bizard. Tourner à droite (nord) sur Jacques-Bizard et traverser le pont. Tourner à gauche (ouest) sur le boul. Chèvremont et continuer jusqu’à la Montée de l’Église. Tourner à droite (nord) sur celle-ci et continuer jusqu’au chemin du Bord-du-Lac. Tourner à droite (est) sur celui-ci et continuer jusqu’à l’entrée du parc (environ 1 km). Stationnement : 9,00 $.

Wood Warbler Walks at Summit Woods

Westmount: Wood Warbler Walks at Summit Woods - Sorties ornithologiques au Boisé Sommet

Tuesday, 10, 17, 24 and 31 at 7:00 a.m. Mardi le 26 avril et tous les mardis de mai

Guide: Jane Cormack 514 578-8249 e-mail

Meet us at the Summit Circle Lookout. We are an informal group of BPQ members. All are welcome. It’s a perfect start to a spring day. To reach Summit Circle, head north on Côte-des-Neiges. Turn left onto The Boulevard. Proceed to Ch. Belvedere and turn right. Drive up the steep hill on Ch. Belvedere to Summit Circle.

Vous êtes invités à vous joindre aux marches printanières avec un groupe amical des membres du POQ. C’est une belle façon de commencer une journée de printemps. Pour se rendre au Summit Circle, se diriger vers le nord sur Côte-des-Neiges. Tourner à gauche sur le Boulevard. Poursuivre jusqu’au Ch. Belvédère et tourner à droite. Monter la côte abrupte sur le Ch. Belvédère jusqu’à Summit Circle.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip Report" Saturday May 7

A gorgeous spring morning at the Lac St-Francois Reserve in Dundee attracted 25 birders. We explored 3 of the trails on the reserve as well as did some birding on a couple of nearby spots along Highway 132. Everyone had a great time, so much so that the trip extended well past noon. The "Bird of the Day" award was equally shared today between the Sandhill Cranes and the Bald Eagles. We completed the day with a total of 52 species. Here is the breakdown (numbers, of course, are rough estimates)

On behalf of co-leader Wayne, I thank everyone who came to explore one of my favourite birding spots in the province. - Sheldon Harvey

Snow Goose 40, Canada Goose 150, Wood Duck 6, Mallard 3, Northern Shoveler 1, Ruffed Grouse 1 , Pied-billed Grebe 3, Double-crested Cormorant 1, American Bittern 2, Great Blue Heron 6, Great Egret 10, Green Heron 1, Turkey Vulture 12, Osprey 6, Bald Eagle 2, Northern Harrier 1, Sandhill Crane 6, Killdeer 4, Spotted Sandpiper 2, Ring-billed Gull 8, Rock Pigeon 12, Mourning Dove 2, Belted Kingfisher 3, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3, Downy Woodpecker 4, Northern Flicker 2, Eastern Phoebe 4, Warbling Vireo 2, Blue Jay 12, American Crow 12, Tree Swallow 20, Barn Swallow 2, Black-capped Chickadee 8, White-breasted Nuthatch 1, Brown Creeper 1, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2, American Robin 10, European Starling 6, Northern Waterthrush 3, Black and White Warbler 2, Common Yellowthroat 1, Yellow Warbler 20, Eastern Towhee 1, Chipping Sparrow 1, Song Sparrow 20, Swamp Sparrow 15, White-throated Sparrow 1, Northern Cardinal 1, Red-winged Blackbird 60, Common Grackle 20, Brown-headed Cowbird 6, American Goldfinch 12

Oie des neiges 40, Bernache du Canada 150, Canard branchu 6, Canard colvert 3, Canard souchet 1, Gélinotte huppée 1, Grèbe à bec bigarré 3, Cormoran à aigrettes 1, Butor d'Amérique 2, Grand héron 6, Grande aigrette 10, Héron vert 1, Urubu à tête rouge 12, Balbuzard pêcheur 6, Pygargue à tête blanche 2, Busard Saint-Martin 1, Grue du Canada 6, Pluvier kildir 4, Chevalier grivelé 2, Goéland à bec cerclé 8, Pigeon biset 12, Tourterelle triste 2, Martin pêcheur d'Amérique 3, Pic maculé 3, Pic mineur 4, Pic flaboyant 2, Moucherolle phébi 4, Viréo mélodieux 2, Geai Bleu 12, Corneille d'Amérique 12, Hirondelle bicolore 20, Hirondelle rustique 2, Mésange à tête noire 8, Sittelle à poitrine blanche 1, Grimpereau brun 1, Roitelet à couronne rubis 2, Merle d'Amérique 10, étourneau sansonnet 6, Paruline des ruisseaux 3, Paruline noir et blanc 2, Paruline masquée 1, Paruline jaune 20, Tohi à flancs roux 1, Bruant familier1, Bruant chanteur 20, Bruant des marais 15, Bruant à gorge blanche 1, Cardinal rouge 1, Carouge à épaulettes 60, Quiscale commun 20, Vacher à tête brune 6, Chardonneret jaune 12


Thank you to everyone who made a donation on today's field trip for our "Birders for Fort McMurray Wildfire Relief" event.  A few of our field trip members today had already made donations online in advance, but many of the others decided to donate $1 for every species that we were able to find today.  Our total species count for the day was 52, resulting in numerous donations of $52 each.

Once everything was tabulated, the total collected that is being submitted to the Canadian Red Cross stands at $1,160.  Thank you all so much for your generosity in supporting our fellow Canadians so badly affected by the wildfires in Alberta.  Remember that both the Federal Government and the Alberta Provincial government will be matching the donations made to the Red Cross, dollar for dollar.

If you weren't on the trip today, but would like to make a donation, please do so through the website of the Canadian Red Cross Helping The Most Vulnerable - Canadian Red Cross

or through most Canadian banks, or by sending in your cheque. You can donate by text as well. Simply text REDCROSS to 30333 to automatically donate $5.

Every dollar will help.  Thanks again.


Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip" Saturday May 7

Saturday, May 7 – samedi 7 mai 
Dundee (La Réserve Nationale de Faune du Lac Saint- François)

Guides: Sheldon Harvey 450-462-1459  e-mail
Wayne Grubert 450-458-5498 e-mail
514-774-0811 Cell (PLEASE use only on morning of trip)

8:00 a.m. Meet at the Visitor Centre parking lot. If you are taking the Mercier Bridge from Montreal go (left) east on Highway 132 for 4.5km to Highway 730. Take Highway 730 to its junction with Highway 30. Proceed west on Highway 30 for approximately 33 km to the exit for Highway 530. Take Highway 530 until its end. Turn left onto Highway 132, crossing the bridge, and continue approximately 33km past Sainte-Barbe and Saint-Anicet to Cazaville. Continue another 8 km on Hwy 132 past Cazaville to chemin-de-le-Pointe-Fraser. Turn right on this road and meet at the visitor centre parking lot about 1 km along on the left.

An alternative route, especially from the West Island, is to take Hwy 20 or 40 west past Vaudreuil-Dorion to Highway 30. Take Highway 30 (Toll $2.50 and then exit onto Highway 530 and continue as per instructions above.

Allow about 1.5 hours from Montreal. Looking for waterfowl, raptors, and migrating passerines. Half day.

8h00. Rassemblement dans le stationnement de l’Accueil. Si vous arrivez depuis le pont Mercier en provenance de Montréal, prenez vers l’est (gauche) sur la route 132 pour 4.5 km jusqu’à l’autoroute 730. Prenez l’autoroute 730 jusqu’à sa jonction avec l’autoroute 30. Continuez vers l’ouest sur l’autoroute 30 pendant environ 33 km jusqu’à la sortie vers l’autoroute 530. Prendre l’autoroute 530 jusqu’au bout. Tournez à gauche sur la route 132, traversez le pont et continuez environ 33 km, en passant par Sainte-Barbe et Saint-Anicet jusqu’à Cazaville. Continuez encore 8 km sur la route 132 passé Cazaville jusqu’au Chemin-de-la-Pointe-Fraser. Tournez à droite sur cette route et rendez-vous au stationnement du centre d’accueil sur la gauche à environ 1 km.

Un itinéraire alternatif, en particulier depuis l’Ouest de l’Ile de Montréal, consiste à prendre l’autoroute 20 ou 40 ouest passée Vaudreuil-Dorion jusqu’à l’autoroute 30. Prenez l’autoroute 30 (frais de 2,50 $), puis sortez sur l’autoroute 530 et continuez en suivant les instructions données ci-dessus. Prévoir environ 1h à 1h30 de route à partir de la région de Montréal. Espèces recherchées : sauvagine, rapaces, et parulines en migration. Demi-journée.

Birding for Beginners

Thursday, May 5 – jeudi 5 mai 
Birding for Beginners – Morgan Arboretum
Come learn the basics of bird identification in the field and observe some early migrants.
Guide: Barbara MacDuff 514-457-2222
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. From Montreal take Highway 40 west. Take Exit 41. Keep right and bear right at the traffic light. Climb the hill. At the stop sign turn left onto Chemin des Pins and drive 1 km to the parking lot on the left. $6.00 admission charge for non-Arboretum-members. Half day.
9h 00 – 11h00. De Montréal de l’autoroute 40 Ouest, emprunter la sortie 41, garder la droite et garder la droite au feu de circulation. Monter la côte et au panneau d’arrêt tourner à gauche sur le chemin des Pins et continuer jusqu’au stationnement. Frais d’entrée : 6,00 $ pour les non-membres. Demi-journée.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Bird Protection Quebec "Field Trip Report" Saturday April 30

Field trip to the Laval Cemetery in eastern Laval and then to Tylee Marsh in Rosemere, certainly sparked a lot of interest. No less than 38 people turned out on a bright, sunny morning. We spent about two hours at the cemetery before moving on to Rosemere and the Tylee Marsh where we encountered the biggest surprise of the day...the boardwalk at the marsh was closed due to flooding of the Mille-Iles River! According to a few locals the water level had just risen in the last couple of days, something they said does not normally happen. So we were restricted to doing a bit of birding from the parking lot at the entrance to the marsh, but it managed to produce a few nice birds. Thanks to all who turned out for the trip. Here is our species list for the day...42 species. - Sheldon

Canada Goose 35, Wood Duck 2, Mallard 4, Blue-winged Teal 2, Pied-billed Grebe 1, Turkey Vulture 3, Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, Cooper's Hawk 1, Red-shouldered Hawk 2, Killdeer 4, Greater Yellowlegs 4, Ring-billed Gull 1, Rock Pigeon 3, Mourning Dove 4, Downy Woodpecker 4, Hairy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 5, Pileated Woodpecker 1, Merlin 1, Eastern Phoebe 2, American Crow 4, Tree Swallow 20, Black-capped Chickadee 6, White-breasted Nuthatch 2, House Wren 1, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4, American Robin 24, European Starling 6, Northern Waterthrush 1, American Tree Sparrow 12, Chipping Sparrow 6, Song Sparrow 10, Swamp Sparrow 5, White-throated Sparrow 4, Dark-eyed Junco 2, Northern Cardinal 3, Red-winged Blackbird 8, Common Grackle 8, Brown-headed Cowbird 3, Purple Finch 1, American Goldfinch 6, House Sparrow 4

Bernache du Canada 35, Canard branchu 2, Canard colvert 4, Sarcelle à ailes bleues 2, Grèbe à bec bigarré 1, Urubu à tête rouge 3, Épervier brun 1, Épervier de Cooper 1, Buse à épaulettes 2, Pluvier kildir 4, Grand Chevalier 4, Goéland à bec cerclé 1, Pigeon biset 3, Tourterelle triste 4, Pic mineur 4, Pic chevelu 1, Pic flaboyant 5, Grand pic 1, Faucon  émerillon 1, Moucherole phébi 2, Corneille d'Amérique 4, Hirondelle bicolore 20, Mésange à tête noire 6 , Sittelle à poitrine blanche 2, Troglodyte familier 1, Roitelet à couronne rubis 4, Merle d'Amérique 24, Étourneau sansonnet 6, Paruline des ruisseaux 1, Bruant Hudsonien 12, Bruant familier 6, Bruant chanteur 10, Bruant des marais 5, Bruant à gorge blanche 4, Junco ardoisé 2, Ccardinal rouge 3, Carouge à épaulettes 8, Quiscale bronzé 8, Vacher à tête brune 3, Roselin pourpré 1, Chardonneret jaune 6, Moineau domestique 4
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