Sunday, April 30, 2006

Bird Protection Quebec field trip for Saturday April 29

Cooper Marsh: The beautiful morning couldn't help but make for a successful field trip at Cooper Marsh near Lancaster, Ont. today. In all 33 birders had 57 species (including a couple of late reports). The temperature rose from 3 to 14 degrees Celsius in the course of the morning. Four species were nominated for Bird of the Day. Ruby-crowned Kinglets were numerous and several ruby crowns were seen well. Estimates of 20 American Bitterns in the Marsh may not be exaggerated. The 4th nominee was the Osprey of which 3 were reported. In the heard only category, a Marsh Wren must have just arrived. SwampSparrows were plentiful and easily seen. Other species included Pied-billed Grebe, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Redhead, Northern Harrier, Virginia Rail (at least 3 heard), Great Black-backed Gull, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Phoebe, Brown Thrasher, Common Raven, Fox Sparrow, and Bird Protections Quebec's emblematic bird, the Song Sparrow.

Martin Bowman

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bird Protection Quebec field trip for Saturday April 22

Baie-du-Febvre: 13 birders showed up for the trip on this overcast but very pleasantday (14 degrees C.) 60 species were seen, 3 of which - Ross's Goose, Bald Eagle, and Pectoral Sandpiper- were observed after the official count. The bird of the day was undoubtedly the Glossy Ibis seen close up andby all at the very outset of the trip. 18 species of waterfowl were seen, including an estimated 200,000 SnowGeese, 1 Ross's Goose, Canada Geese, Redhead, both Teal and both Scaup, numerous Pintail and Ring-necked, Ruddy Duck, Hooded Merganser, etc. Shorebirds were Killdeer, Wilson's Snipe, Stilt Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Dunlin, and both Yellowlegs. A very enjoyable day spent in good company.

Good birding,Guy Zenaitis

Bird Protection Quebec field trip for Saturday April 22

Baie-du-Febvre: 13 birders showed up for the trip on this overcast but very pleasantday (14 degrees C.) 60 species were seen, 3 of which -Ross's Goose, Bald Eagle, andPectoral Sandpiper- were observed after the official count.The bird of the day was undoubtedly the Glossy Ibis seen close up andby all at the very outset of the trip. 18 species of waterfowl were seen, including an estimated 200,000 SnowGeese, 1 Ross's Goose, Canada Geese, Redhead, both Teal and both Scaup, numerous Pintail and Ring-necked, Ruddy Duck, Hooded Merganser, etc.Shorebirds were Killdeer, Wilson's Snipe, Stilt Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Dunlin, and both Yellowlegs.A very enjoyable day spent in good company.

Good birding,Guy Zenaitis

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Wednesday April 19th

Baie-du-Febvre: 62 species including - Golden eagle (aigle royal), Bald eagle (pygargue à tête blanche), Northern harrier (busard St-Martin), rough-legged hawks (buses pattues), American kestrel (crécerelle d'Amérique), Peregrine falcon (faucon pèlerin), Redheads (fuligules à tête rouge), Ruddy ducks (érismatures rouses), Northern shoveler (canard souchet), Snow geese (oies des neiges), Cackling goose (bernache de Hutchins), Ross’s goose (oie de Ross)
rue Janelle, near the river: Killdeer (pluviers kildir), Greater yellowlegs (grands chevaliers), Pectoral sandpiper (bécasseaux à poitrine cendrée), Wilson’s snipe (bécassine de Wilson), American golden plover (pluvier bronze)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Tuesday April 18th

Rivère-des-Prairies, parc Nature de Pointe-aux-Prairies: Wood thrush (grive des bois), Moorhen (Gallinule poule-d'eau), Ruby-crowned kinglet (Roitelet à couronne rubis), Fox sparrows (Bruants fauves), Swamp sparrows (Bruants des marais)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Monday April 17th

St-Basile-le-Grand: Gyrfalcon (Faucon gerfaut), Vesper sparrow (Bruant vespéral), Ruby-crowned kinglet (Roitelet à couronne rubis)

St-Armand: Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche), Killdeer (Pluviers kildir), 2 Lesser yellow-legs (petit chevalier), Field sparrow (bruant des champs)

Philipsburg: Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche), 2 Peregrine falcons (faucons pèlerins), Northern Rough-winged and Barn swallows (hirondelles à ailes hérissées et des rustiques), Sharp-shinned hawk (épervier brun), 4 Red-tailed hawks (buses à queue rousse)

Chambly, Chambly Basin: 10 Horned grebes (Grèbes esclavons), Common loon (Plongeon huard)

Bird Protection Quebec Field trip Saturday April 15, 2006

22 birders, including several first time visitors, participated in what we'll call a "two for one" day, with 44 species seen (2 species per birder).

Canada Goose, Wood Duck, Mallard, Northern Pintail, Bufflehead,Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Horned Grebe,Red-necked Grebe, Killdeer, Ring-billed Gull, Rock Pigeon, MourningDove, Belted Kingfisher, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Downy, Hairy,Northern Flicker, Pileated, Eastern Phoebe, Blue Jay, Am. Crow,Raven, Tree Swallow, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Black-cappedChickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Ruby-crownedKinglet, American Robin, Gray Catbird, European Starling, FoxSparrow, Song Sparrow, Am. Tree Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Northern Cardinal, Red-wingedBlackbird, Common Grackle, Brown-headed Cowbird, Am. Goldfinch.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Wednesday April 12th

Baie-du-Febvre: 44species icluding Snow geese (Oie des Neiges), Canada geese (Bernache du Canada), Pied-billed grebe (Grèbe à bec bigarré), Gadwall (Canard Chipeau), Northern pintail (Canard Pilet), Eurasian wigeon (Canard Siffleur), Northern shoveler (Canard Souchet), Canvasback (Fuligule à dos Blanc), Redhead (Fuligule à tête rouge), Lesser scaup (Petit Fuligule), Bufflehead (Petit Garrot), Ruddy duck (Erismature rousse), American coot (Foulque d'amérique), Northern harrier (Busard St-Martin), Red-tailed hawk (Buse à Queue rousse),Rough-legged hawk (Buse pattue), Red-shouldered hawk (Buse à epaulettes), Bald eagle (Pygargue à Tête Blanche), Osprey (Balbuzard pêcheur), Snowy Owl (Harfang des neiges), Kingfisher (Martin-Pêcheur), Horned lark (Alouette Hausse-col), Tree swallow (Hirondelle bicolore)

Saint-Isidore: Savannah sparrow (Bruant des prés)

Ile des Soeurs: 2 Hermit thrush (Grives solitaires), Winter wrens (Troglodytes migons)

Sainte-Catherine: 2 Cliff swallow (Hirondelles à front blanc), 1 Black-crowned night heron (Bihoreau gris), 15 Great egrets (Grandes Aigrettes)

Friday, April 07, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Friday April 7th

Baie-du-Febvre: 100,000 Snow geese (Oies des neiges), Golden eagle (Aigle royal), Snowy owl (Harfang des neiges), American woodcock (Bécasses d’Amérique), Green-winged teal (Sarcelle d’hiver), Northern pintail (Pilet), Ringed-neck duck (Fuligules à collier), Redhead (Fuligules à tête rouge), Bufflehead (Petit Garrot), Common goldeneye (Garrot à œil d’or), Hooded and Common mergansers (Harle couronné et le Grand Harle)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sightings Translated From Ornitho-QC for Thursday April 6th

Baie-du-Febvre: Sandhill crane (Grue du Canada)

Terrebonne, rue St-Denis: Snowy owl (Harfang des neiges), also in the area Rough-legged hawks (Buses pattues), Northern harrier (Busard Saint-Martin)

Laval, bois Ste-Marie: American bittern (Butor d'Amérique), American kestrel (Crécerelled'Amérique), Wilson’s (common)snipe (Bécassine des marais)
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