Friday, October 02, 2009

Sightings for Friday October 2nd

St-Lazare sand pits this evening four distant dowitchers, two of which were
Long-billed dowitchers (Bécassin à long bec), the other two were likely Long-billed, I just couldn't quite clinch the tertial pattern (or lack of it). Also there, a Hudsonian Godwit (Barge Hudsonienne) and a Ruddy Duck (Érismature rousse) that has been there for a while - Mark Dennis

Laval: rivière des Mille Îles in front of 7900 boul. des Mille-Îles - Greater white-fronted goose, Canada geese, 2 Snow geese, 2 Northern shovelers, Green-winged teals, 4 Ring-necked ducks, Common merganser
rivière des Mille Îles en face du 7900 boul. des Mille-Îles: une Oie rieuse Bernaches du Canada, 2 Oies des neiges, deux Canards souchets, quelques Sarcelles d'hiver, 4 Fuligules à collier et un Grand Harle - Louise Simard

Ile Charron: Great egret, Sharp-shinned hawk, Belted kingfisher, Yellow-bellied sapaucker, Flicker, Blue-headed vireo, White-breasted nuthatch, Brown creeper, Winter wren, Ruby & Golden-crowned kinglets, Gray-cheeked thrush, Swainson's thrush, Thrush sp. Cedar waxwing, Warblers - Orange-crowned, Nashville, Northern parula, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Blac-throated blue, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated greeen, Common yellowthroat, warbler sp, Song sparrow, White-throated sparrow, White-crowned sparrow - 49 species
grande aigrette, épervier brun, martin-pêcheur, pic maculé ( plumage très laid) flamboyant, viréo à tête bleue, sitelle à p.b. grimpereau brun,troglodyte mignon, roitelet (les deux) grive à joues grises, à dos olive, des bois, grive s.p. jaseur
d'Amérique, Paruline verdâtre,
(enfin) à joues grises, à collier, jaune, flancs
marron, à tête cendrée, bleue ++, croupion jaune+++, gorge noire , masquée. et
paruline sp. Bruant chanteur , à gorge blanche+++, à couronne blanche
49 espèces. - Jacques Héneault

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