Saturday, April 09, 2011

Sightings for Saturday April 9th

Parc Voyageur, Pointe-Fortune, et Carillon: 54 bird species observed - snow geese (150,000 +) , Canada Goose (150,000 +), 14 species of ducks, pintails, gadwall, wood, American wigeon, black, mallard, Green-winged teal, Ring-necked Duck, Greater Scaup, and Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, and Common Merganser. Great Blue Heron (8 +), Turkey Vulture (6 +), Bald Eagle (5 +), Northern Harrier (3), Sharp-shinned Hawk (3 +), Cooper's Hawk (1), Red-tailed hawk  (1), American Coot (2), Killdeer (2), American Woodcock (1), Gulls - Ring-billed , Herring, and Great black-backed, Pigeon and Dove. Tree Swallow (4 +), Raven (2 +), Crows, Blue Jay, Eastern Phoebe (4 +), Downy and Hairy Woodpecker, Belted Kingfisher (1), Chickadees, Red and White-breasted  Nuthatch . Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper (4 +), American Robin, European Starling, House Sparrow, Goldfinch, Common Redpoll (1), Brown-headed Cowbird, Common Grackle, Red-winged blackbirds, juncos, song sparrows

54 espèces d’oiseaux observé comme des Oie des neiges (150,000+) et Bernache du Canada (150,000+), et 14 espèces de canards comme des Canards Pilet, chipeau, branchu, d’Amérique, noir, colvert, et Sarcelle d’hiver. Aussi des Fuligule à collier, milouinan, et Petit Fuligule. Des Petit Garrots, Garrot à œil d’or, Harle couronné, et Grand Harles. Grand Héron (8+), Urubu à tête rouge (6+), Pygargue à tête blanche (5+), Busard Saint-Martin (3), Épervier brun (3+), Épervier de Cooper (1), Buse à queue rousse(1). Foulque d’Amérique (2), Pluvier kildir (2), Bécasse d’Amérique (1), Goéland à bec cercle, argenté, et marin. Pigeon et Tourterelle. Hirondelle bicolore (4+), Grand Corbeau (2+), Corneille, et Geai bleu. Moucherolle phébi (4+), Pic mineur et chevelu,Martin-pêcheur d’Amérique (1), Mésanges, Sittelle à poitrine rousse et blanche. Roitelet à couronné dorée, Grimpereau brun (4+),Merle d’Amérique, Étourneau sansonnet, Moineau domestique, Chardonneret jaune, Sizerin flammé (1), Vacher à tête brune, Quiscale bronzé, Carouge à épaulettes, juncos, bruant chanteur - Joël Coutu
marais de St-Timothée (marsh): Green-winged teal, mallards, black ducks, gadwall, American wigeon, Northern shoveler, Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Hooded Merganser, Canada geese. Tree swallows Great blue Herons on their nests.

marais de St-Timothée: sarcelle d’hiver, colvert, canards noirs, canards chipeau, canard d’Amérique, canards souchet, fuligule à tête rouge, fuligule à collier, harle couronné et bernache du Canada, hirondelles bicolores, Les hérons sont rendu sur leurs nids

Beauharnois Canal: Common goldeneye, Common mergansers, Greater scaup, Snow geese. Double-crested cormorants 16, Bohemian Waxwing, Song sparrows
canal Beauharnois: garrot à œil d’or, grand harle, fuligule milouinan, l’oie des neiges. cormorants aigrettes 16, jaseurs boréals, bruants chanteurs - Denis Collins
Baie-du-Febvre: Ross's Goose, Cackling Geese, Sandhill Cranes, Redheads and Ruddy Duck. - Serge Lemieux

2 Bald Eagles, Greater white-fronted Goose  at the Halte de la Bernache, Ross Goose, Eastern Phoebe, Savannah Sparrow, Lapland longspur and Snow bunting - Marc Boisvert

Oie de Ross, Bernache de Hutchins, Grue du Canada, Fuligule à tête rouge et l’Érismature rousse. - Serge Lemieux
2 Pygargues, Oie Rieuse dans le ruisseau de la Halte de la Bernache, Oie de Ross, Moucherolle Phebie, Bruant des Près, Plectrophane Lapon et des neiges. -Marc Boisvert
Montréal: I was at the Mount Royal cemetery this morning & saw both Cooper's hawks (Épervier de Cooper) near the nest at one point, both went after a crow that was too close to the nest. Later, one of the pair flew in with a kill, but quickly gave it up to the other (not sure if it was willingly). The hawk then proceeded to feather & devour the sparrow-size bird. The other flew off. Not too much else besides Robins, Chickadees, Song sparrows, Juncos, Crows, Starlings (Merles, mésanges, Bruant chanteur, Juncos, corneilles, étourneaux) - Audrey
Chateauguay, Ile Saint-Bernard: - refuge faunique Marguerite d'Youville: Not many people there as I believe they think it is closed. Saw a Northern Shrike (Pie-grièche grise) on a snag (just north of the grand digue), heard Wilson's snipe (Bécassines de Wilson) and a Common loon (Plongeon huard) calling. I eventually got to see him in the distance. Lots of Buffleheads (Petit Garrot), Greater Scaup (Fuligule milouinan), Common Goldeneye (Garrot à oeil d'or), Common merganser (Grand harle), and a Red-tailed Hawk (Buse à queue rousse). At the end of the dike to the west, a Piliated woodpecker (Grand pic) was in his nest shovelling woodchips out the door. Plus the regular species Muscrats everywhere and four deer quietly walking thro the woods.

What a magical place that close to Montreal. ..good coffee when you get back to the parking lot too. - Gail Desnoyers

Golden-crowned Kinglet (Roitelet à couronne dorée) and a Northern Flicker (Pic flamboyant) - Dave Myburgh

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