Friday, March 20, 2009

Sightings for Friday March 20th

Verdun, along the river in front of the Douglas Hospital: 1 Harlequin duck (M), Common goldeneye, Gadwall, 1 American wigeon, 1 Great blue heron
long du fleuve en face de l'hôpital Douglas: un Arlequin plongeur mâle adulte. Garrots à oeil d'or, Canards chipeau, un Canard d'Amérique, un Grand héron - Diane Demers

Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Morgan arboretum
A very active morning for Great Horned owls (Grand-duc d'Amérique) in the Arbo just as spring was officially arriving. There were at least three, two of which were being pursued by Crows (Corneille d'Amérique) (I originally spotted them in the spruce plantation off the orange trail) -- I think these two were a pair--and another hooting in the hemlocks off the yellow trail. Quite a few Brown Creepers (Grimpereau brun) singing--they have been for the past week or so. A fun morning - Betsy

Bedford, water treatment ponds: 5 Greater white-fronted geese, 250 Canada geese, 20 Ring-billed gulls, 30 Mallards
5 Oies rieuses aux étangs d'épuration de la ville de Bedford. Elles se trouvaient ensemble du côté opposé au stationnement de l'usine d'épuration, parmi environ 250 Bernaches du Canada, une vingtaine de Goélands à bec cerclé et une trentaine de Canards colvert.

Philipsburg, George Montgomery Bird Sanctuary: Great horned owl (Grand-duc d'Amérique) on eggs - Jean-Guy Papineau, Normand Bourdon

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