Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sightings for Thursday October 18th

Chambly, Chambly basin: 5 Horned (Grebe Grèbes esclavons) - R. Chartier - 2 Red-necked grebes (Grèbes jougris), 7 White-winged scoter (Macreuses brune), 10 Surf scoter (Macreuses à front blanc), 4 Red-breasted mergansers (Harles huppé), 2 Common mergansers (Grand harle) - Gilles Ethier

Chateauguay, refuge faunique Marguerite-D'Youville on Île St-Bernard: Red-bellied Woodpecker (Pic à ventre roux) observed in the érablière - M. Groulx

Philipsburg, Missisquoi Bay dock and near the campsite: 28 Common loons (Plongeon huart), 3 Red-throated loons (Plongeon catmarin), Red-necked grebe (Grèbe jougris), 2 Horned grebes (Grèbe esclavon), Pied-billed grebe (Grèbe à bec bigarré), 1000 Ring-billed gulls (Goéland à bec cerclé), 3 Great black-backed gulls (Goéland marin), 6 Herring gulls (Goéland argenté), 300 Bonaparte’s gulls (Mouette de Bonaparte), 5 Surf scoter (Macreuse à front blanc), Merlin (Faucon émérillon), 100 Greater scaup (Fuligule milouinan), 50 Ring-necked ducks (Fuligule à collier ), DC Cormorant (Cormoran à aigrettes), 566 Canada geese (Bernache du Canada), Belted kingfisher (Martin pêcheur d'amérique), 2 Turkey vulture (Urubu à tête rouge), 2 Tufted titmouse (Mésange bicolore), 10 Evening grosbeak (Gros bec errant), 3 Great blue heron (Grand Héron) - Jean-Guy Papineau

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